Date on Paper


Document Type

Doctoral Paper

Degree Name




Committee Chair

Robertson, Sara

Committee Member

Bethel-Hines, Cynethia

Author's Keywords

emotion regulation; mindfulness; coping; adolescents


According to the Gallup and Walton Family Foundation-State of American Youth Survey for 2023, schools in the United States received an average grade of C+ when it comes to supporting their students’ mental health, highlighting a potential area for improvement in the school system (Wilcoxon & Marken, 2023). This quality improvement project aimed to teach high school students about emotional regulation using a mindfulness platform and evidence-based techniques designed for the school environment. The sessions focused on improving the students’ understanding of emotions and emotional regulation and helping them apply techniques to regulate emotions in a healthy manner.

This project consisted of an 8-week educational session followed by an open-ended qualitative evaluation. Each educational session highlighted a different skill or strategy to promote mindfulness and positive emotional intelligence. Upon completing the program, the DNP Project Lead distributed an Emotion Management Program Overall Evaluation to the participating teachers and administrators to gather qualitative data for analysis. The teachers emphasized three key themes in their feedback: relevance, value, and practicality. They also noted that students showed improvements in emotional awareness and regulation skills. Amidst changes to the initial plan, the program effectively taught students essential strategies for regulating emotions, managing stress, preventing conflict, and practicing positive communication through foundational knowledge and practical exercises.

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