Navigating schools in a mass incarceration era : a meta-narrative analysis of research on the school-to-prison pipeline.

Dwayne L. Barnes, University of Louisville

Submitted by Sarah Frankel on behalf of Dwayne Barnes. The student was not given instructions on how to submit his thesis to ThinkIR.


This meta-narrative examines 87 published articles in eight educational and sociological journals from 1995 to 2017 that discuss aspects of the school-to-prison pipeline. From this meta-narrative analysis, my research identified the dominant methods and themes within this research literature over 20 years. I chose a meta-narrative for this project to systematically evaluate sociological and educational journals that examined the school-to-prison pipeline. I approached this research project with the intent to produce a work that would navigate within and between various competing perspectives and methodologies. The purpose is to provide a brief description and summarize a given data set that is not exhaustive or unmanageable for the study.