
Journal of Student Financial Aid

Journal of Student Financial Aid


Institutional financial aid administration is at the crossroads. Se­lecting the directions to go is both an opportunity for and a responsibility of regional associations. In broad terms, the answer to the question, "What should a regional association do ·for its members?" is to select the directions to go. In specific terms, there are three categories of activities a regional association should conduct for its members. They are (1) organizational, administrative, and political activities; also activities labeled as (2) unfinished business; and (3) professional development and personal benefits. Perhaps, as the activities are out­lined, readers will note some fine line distinctions. Other readers may elect to re­arrange the list or place certain items in different categories. Additionally, hard pressed administrators may not necessarily need suggestions which prescribe more work. But increased involvement in and a greater individual commitment to associational activity do seem to be prerequisites for professional advancement.
