Date on Paper


Document Type

Doctoral Paper

Degree Name




Committee Chair

Baker, Leann

Committee Member

Hall, Lynne

Author's Keywords

diaper rash; newborn skin; diaper dermatitis; diaper rash treatment; diaper dermatitis in the NICU


Background: Diaper dermatitis (DD) is an acute, inflammatory reaction of the skin, and is one of the most common skin problems in infancy. Diaper care procedures should aim at supporting skin barrier function to reduce the incidence of diaper dermatitis. Evidence indicates that providing appropriate skin care practices can be effective in preventing skin redness and breakdown. Purpose: To create an evidence-based skin care guideline that would improve consistency in care, decrease skin breakdown and standardize workflow. Methods: A Neonatal Skin Assessment Report was created and used to review pre- and postintervention Neonatal Skin Condition Score (NCSC) © assessment scores. Interventions included mandatory staffing education and practice change over a 2-month period. Independent samples t-tests were used to compare the mean skin assessment scores from the pre-intervention group and the post-intervention group to determine if practice changes improved skin condition scores. Results: Mean pre-intervention skin scores were slightly lower than the post-intervention skin scores. Although skin condition scores did not increase in the post-intervention group, overall consistency in patient care improved. Discussion: This study reflects current literature that Evidence Based Practice should be foundational in the development of a skin care routine. Proper selection of skin care products is critical to improved patient outcomes.

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Nursing Commons
