Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name


Department (Legacy)

Division of Social Administration

Committee Chair

Cronin, John J.

Committee Co-Chair (if applicable)

Kutak, Robert I.

Committee Member

Kutak, Robert I.

Committee Member

Pruitt, Annie Louise


Council of Social Agencies of Louisville and Jefferson County


Community social planning has recently received the spotlight of attention under the impacts of war and its related demands for a united nation and community. But to those who have had a more intimate contact with the field of social work this is not a new development. For more than twenty years there has been in urban areas a steady growth of organizations known as councils of social agencies, welfare councils, or community councils whose job it has been to coordinate and plan the social welfare programs for the communities of which they are a part. As in other cities, the movement toward a coordinated community program of social planning has also been growing and developing in Louisville, Kentucky. Since there is no available history compiled of this development of the Louisville Council of Social Agencies, such a study is of value. In order to achieve the very objectives which a council of social agencies sets, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of the component parts of the social services of the community. Through such a study one not only gains a deeper understanding of the Council itself as one of these parts, but, because of its very nature, one also gets a clearer picture of how the community has gone about meeting its social problems. The importance of this fact is emphasized, for no future program can be put into effect without the full backing of the community. What applies in casework with a client applies also to a community. One enters the situation at a level which is acceptable by the community as a whole. The degree of cooperation between the agencies that compose the Council is also apparent from such a study.
