"Canterbury and the crown : how the personal relationships between Tudo" by Mary Alexandra Covington

Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name




Degree Program

History, MA

Committee Chair

McLeod, John

Committee Co-Chair (if applicable)

Carlton, Genevieve

Committee Member

Carlton, Genevieve

Committee Member

Billingsley, Dale


Church and state--England--History; Church of England--History; Reformation--England; Great Britain--History--Tudors, 1485-1603


This thesis discusses how the personal relationships between the monarchs of the Tudor period in England and their Archbishops of Canterbury affected the Church in England, particularly after Henry VIII broke with Rome. Through the examination of the correspondence of the individuals included one can understand the personal relationships and how the archbishops interacted with their respective monarch(s). Two chapters discuss Archbishop Cranmer his relationships with Henry and Edward VI and how Cranmer enacted some reform under Henry but more under Edward. The fourth chapter evaluates the relationship between Mary I and Reginald Pole and how they moved England back to Catholicism. The final chapter discusses Elizabeth I and her first archbishop, Matthew Parker, and how they navigated a middle ground between Protestantism and Catholicism. The results of this study show that each archbishop and monarch worked together differently and that their personal relationships affected how the Church in England functioned.
