Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Doctoral Dissertation

Degree Name

Ed. D.


Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Development

Degree Program

Educational Leadership and Organizational Development, EDD

Committee Chair

Alagaraja, Meera

Committee Co-Chair (if applicable)

Ingle, W. Kyle

Committee Member

Ingle, W. Kyle

Committee Member

Powers, Deborah

Author's Keywords

PBIS; SWPBIS; urban schools; persistently low achieving schools (PLA); school violence


This single site case study examined the perceptions of teachers and the principal of a persistently low achieving elementary school in a large urban school district. Using the Concern-Based-Adoption-Model (CBAM), which originated in Fuller’s (1969) study of perceptions of pre-service and practicing teachers and used by Roach, Kratochwill and Frank (2009) as a tool to ascertain support for the implementation of research-based practices, teacher and principal perceptions of the effectiveness of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) framework were examined. Interviews and document analysis were utilized to collect data and triangulate teacher and principal perceptions of obstacles and supports to implementation, sustainability and overall effectiveness of SWPBIS to lessen disruptive and unsafe student behaviors and improve the culture and climate of the school for students and staff. Conclusions and implications for practice and future research were also discussed.
