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Counseling and Human Development


Several authors proposed that all elements of Beck’s cognitive triad (1976) mediate the associations between inference style as described in the hopelessness model (Abramson, Alloy, & Metalsky, 1989) and depressive symptoms. Results of a 3-wave longitudinal study indicate only a partial mediation model with all elements of the cognitive triad being associated with all inference styles, with depressive symptoms fitting the data best. Controlling for direct and indirect effects, no individual element of the cognitive triad mediates the association between inference styles and depressive symptoms. The partial mediation model is not stable across sex or clinical vs subclinical samples. In general, the data supports the integration of all three elements of the cognitive triad into the hopelessness model.

Original Publication Information

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Pössel, Patrick and S. Denise Thomas. "Cognitive Triad as Mediator in the Hopelessness Model? A Three-wave Longitudinal Study." 2011. Journal of Clinical Psychology 67(3): 224-240.

which has been published in final form at

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