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The result of the British referendum on leaving the European Union came as a shock to many, and the legal, financial, and social implications of “Brexit” are being felt as far away as the United States and even Kentucky. This article presents a brief history of the UK’s role in the EU, an overview of issues that Brexit raises, and an outline of reliable free resources for librarians assisting users at all levels, from students to professionals, who are researching or working in this rapidly changing landscape.
Original Publication Information
Gow, Erin. "Brexit From the Reference Desk: Understanding and Researching the British Exit From the European Union." 2017. Kentucky Libraries 81(3): 7-10.
ThinkIR Citation
Gow, Erin, "Brexit from the Reference desk : understanding and researching the British exit from the European Union." (2017). Faculty Scholarship. 333.
This article was originally published in Kentucky Libraries, volume 81, issue 3, in 2017.