Evaluation of SVM classification of avatar facial recognition

Sonia Ajina, Université de Sousse
Roman V. Yampolskiy, University of Louisville
Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara, Université de Sousse


The security of virtual worlds has become a major challenge. The huge progress of Internet technologies, the massive revolution of media and the use of electronic finance increasingly deployed in a world where the law of competition forces financial institutions to devote huge amounts of capital to invest in persistent digital worlds like Second Life or Entropia Universe whose economic impact is quite real [1]. Thus, virtual communities are rapidly becoming the next frontier for the cyber-crime. So, it is necessary to develop equitable tools for the protection of virtual environments, similar to those deployed in the real world, such as biometric security systems. In this paper, we present a biometric recognition system of non-biological entities (avatar) faces based on exploration of wavelet transform for characterization and Support Vector Machines for classification. This system is able to identify and verify avatars during their access to certain information or system resources in virtual communities. We also evaluate the performance of our avatar authentication approach focusing specifically on the classification stage. Obtained results are promising and encouraging for such first contribution within the framework of this new research field. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.