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This study examined the psychometric properties of a modified version of a worksite harassment tool. Data were collected from 180 long-haul female drivers. Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess internal consistency. Principal components analysis was used to investigate the tool’s dimensionality, and correlation analysis was used to investigate construct validity. Cronbach’s alpha for the tool was 0.88. Principal components analysis indicated the presence of two factors. Two items were eliminated due to low factor loadings. Cronbach’s alpha for the short version (7 items) was 0.86. Higher abuse scores were associated with poorer health and greater levels of stress. The greater the level of abuse, the poorer the woman’s ability to sleep. The 7-item version of the worksite harassment tool is valid and reliable, easy to understand, and written at a 7th grade reading level.
Original Publication Information
Al-Modallal, H., Hall, L.A., & Anderson, D.G. (2008). Psychometric properties of the modified version of a worksite harassment tool: Preliminary findings. AAOHN, 56(7), 309‑316.
ThinkIR Citation
Al-Modallal, Hanan; Hall, Lynne A.; and Anderson, Debra, "Psychometric Properties of a Modified Version of a Worksite Harassment Tool—Preliminary Findings" (2008). Faculty Scholarship. 692.