Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2017
Political Science
Understanding how attorneys’ perceptions of “insider” and “outsider” status affect negotiations is of both theoretical and practical importance for understanding the judicial system. We utilize a comprehensive survey of attorneys from one state to explore views of trustworthiness and negotiations. Overall, as attorneys become more embedded in their in-group, they increasingly report lower trust levels and less effective negotiations with outsiders. These relationships do vary somewhat by the scope and location of the attorney’s practice. Our findings provide insight into one possible causal mechanism underlying the “repeat player” advantage; they also suggest new directions for research on case outcomes.
Original Publication Information
Collins, Todd A., Tao L. Dumas, and Laura P. Moyer. “Being part of the ‘Home Team’: Perceptions of Professional Interactions with Outsider Attorneys.” Journal of Law and Courts 5, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 141-171.
ThinkIR Citation
Collins, Todd A.; Dumas, Tao L.; and Moyer, Laura P., "Being part of the "home team" : perceptions of professional interactions with outsider attorneys." (2017). Faculty Scholarship. 90.
This is the accepted manuscript version of the article published in Journal of Law and Courts volume 5, issue 1 in Spring 2017.