The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.
Background: Pneumonia is a costly and deadly respiratory disease that afflicts millions every year. Advances in pneumonia care require significant research investment and collaboration among pneumonia investigators. Despite the importance of data sharing for clinical research it remains difficult to share datasets with old and new investigators. We present CAPOCloud, a web-based pneumonia research platform intended to facilitate data sharing and make data more accessible to new investigators.
Methods: We establish the first two use cases for CAPOCloud to be the automatic subsetting and constraining of the CAPO database and the automatic summarization of the database in aggregate. We use the REDCap data capture software and the R programming language to facilitate these use cases.
Results: CAPOCloud allows CAPO investigators to access the CAPO clinical database and explore subsets of the data including demographics, comorbidities, and geographic regions. It also allows them to summarize these subsets or the entire CAPO database in aggregate while preserving privacy restrictions.
Discussion: CAPOCloud demonstrates the viability of a research platform combining data capture, data quality, hypothesis generation, data exploration and data sharing in one interface. Future use cases for the software include automated univariate hypothesis testing, automated bivariate hypothesis testing, and principal component analysis.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Mattingly, William A.; Wiemken, Timothy L.; Furmanek, Stephen P.; Peyrani, Paula; Kelley, Robert R.; and Ramirez, Julio A.
"The Community-Acquired Pneumonia Organization (CAPO) Cloud-Based Research Platform (the CAPO-Cloud): Facilitating Data Sharing in Clinical Research,"
The University of Louisville Journal of Respiratory Infections: Vol. 1
, Article 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18297/jri/vol1/iss3/9/
Available at:
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