This collection includes faculty and staff scholarship from the Department of Political Science, in the College of Arts & Sciences. For more information about what types of scholarship may be included, please see our Collection Policy.
Submissions from 2023
Supreme court legitimacy under threat? The role of cues in how the public responds to supreme court decisions., Laura Moyer, Scott S. Boddery, Jeff Yates, and Lindsay Caudill
"Who shapes the law? Gender and racial bias in judicial citations.", Laura P. Moyer, John J. Szmer, Susan B. Haire, and Robert K. Christenson
Submissions from 2022
"Better Too Much Than Not Enough": Women of Color on the Federal Bench, Laura Moyer, Rorie Spill Solberg, and Allison Harris
Submissions from 2021
Assessing President Obama’s Appointment of Women to the Federal Appellate Courts, Laura Moyer
“She Blinded Me with Science”: The Use of Science Frames in Abortion Litigation Before the Supreme Court, Laura Moyer
Submissions from 2020
Critical Dialogue: "The Politics of War Powers: The Theory and History of Presidential Unilateralism." By Sarah Burns, Jasmine Farrier
Submissions from 2019
Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now: How Amicus Briefs Use Policy Frames in Abortion Litigation, Laura Moyer, Alyson Hendricks-Benton, and Megan Balcom
Submissions from 2018
Political opportunism, position taking, and court-curbing legislation., Laura Moyer and Ellen M. Key
Submissions from 2017
Being part of the "home team" : perceptions of professional interactions with outsider attorneys., Todd A. Collins, Tao L. Dumas, and Laura P. Moyer
Intersecting disadvantages: race, gender, and age discrimination among attorneys., Todd Collins, Tao L. Dumas, and Laura Moyer
Submissions from 2015
Review essay of Farish Noor's "The Malaysian Islamic Party PAS 1951-2013 : Islamism in a mottled nation.", Jason P. Abbott
Living without recognition : a case study of Burmese refugees in Malaysia., Meagan Floyd, Michael Zeller, and Jason P. Abbott
Trailblazers and those that followed : personal experiences, gender, and judicial empathy., Laura P. Moyer and Susan B. Haire
Submissions from 2014
MENA and the internet : technology and the democratic divide., Jason Gainous and Kevin M. Wagner
Neomercantilism and great-power energy competition in Central Asia and the Caspian., Charles E. Ziegler and Rajan Menon
Submissions from 2013
Bowling online : the Internet and the new social capital., Jason Gainous and Kevin M. Wagner
Diversity, deliberations, and judicial opinion writing., Susan B. Haire, Laura P. Moyer, and Shawn Treier
Civic education and democratic capacity : how do teachers teach and what works?, Allison M. Martens and Jason Gainous
Rethinking critical mass in the federal appellate courts., Laura Moyer
The value of precedent : appellate briefs and judicial opinions in the U.S. courts of appeals., Laura P. Moyer, Todd A. Collins, and Susan B. Haire
Central Asia, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and American foreign policy : from indifference to engagement., Charles E. Ziegler
Submissions from 2012
Measuring ambivalence about government in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study., Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and Stephen C. Craig
The role of case complexity in judicial decision making., Laura P. Moyer
Judicial innovation and sexual harassment doctrine in the U.S. court of appeals., Laura P. Moyer and Holley Takersley
Submissions from 2011
Cacophony or empowerment? : analyzing the impact of new information communication technologies and new social media in Southeast Asia., Jason P. Abbott
Submissions from 2010
The illogic of the biological weapons taboo., Phillip M. McCauley and Rodger A. Payne
Submissions from 2009
Malaysia's transitional moment? : democratic transition theory and the problem of Malaysian exceptionalism., Jason P. Abbott
Competing social movements and local political culture : voting on ballot propositions to ban same-sex marriage., Arnold Fleischmann and Laura Moyer
Russia and the CIS in 2008 : axis of authoritarianism?, Charles E. Ziegler
Submissions from 2008
Gender, race, and intersectionality on the federal appellate bench., Todd Collins and Laura Moyer
Ambivalence about social welfare : an evaluation of measurement approaches., Jason Gainous
Advocacy through briefs in the U.S. court of appeals., Susan B. Haire and Laura P. Moyer
Russia and the CIS in 2007 : Putin's final year?, Charles E. Ziegler
Submissions from 2007
The electronic ballot box : class, age and racial bias on the Internet., Jason Gainous and Kevin M. Wagner
The geopolitics of global climate change., Rodger A. Payne
Submissions from 2006
Winners, losers, and perceived mandates : voter explanations of the 1998 Gubernatorial and 2000 Presidential elections in Florida., Stephen C. Craig, Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and James G. Kane
Submissions from 2005
Issue-related learning in a gubernatorial campaign : a panel study., Stephen C. Craig, James G. Kane, and Jason Gainous
Religion and core values : a reformulation of the funnel of causality., Jason Gainous and Bill Radunovich
Submissions from 2004
Congressional actions and public reactions., Jason Gainous
Submissions from 2002
Is there a woman's perspective? : an exploration of gender differences along republican and conservative lines., Jason Gainous
Why does voting get so complicated? : a review of theories for analyzing democratic participation., Jeff Gill and Jason Gainous
Submissions from 1981
Policy alternatives in Soviet environmental protection., Charles E. Ziegler