This collection includes theses and dissertations from the College of Arts and Sciences. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
The question of monastic functions on the eve of the dissolution., Winona Bryan Money
The Athenian constitution from Solon to Pericles B.C. 594-B.C. 457., Norman Reynolds
A study of apportionment in Indiana., Stannard Kinneth Short 1911-1977
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
The resolution of conflict in the fiction of D. H. Lawrence., William Sterett Bowmer
The development of the Catholic Church in Louisville., Sara Ann Buetenbach
The culture of Louisville as affected by and reflected in motion pictures., Eleanor Blake Carpenter
The Municipal Bureau of Social Service of Louisville, Kentucky : rejected cases, November and December, 1940., Alice Roberts Farmer
Milton's thought on divorce., Annie Murray Ferry 1906-1973
Bulwer-Lytton's place in the English drama of the middle Nineteenth Century., Martha Kennerly Gibson
Pan American solidarity, 1932-1940., Morton M. Grodzins
The Negro Colonization Movement in Kentucky., Mary Kaltenbrun
Renal dysfunction in prostatism., Robert Lich
Newer analytical methods employed in examining blood, urine and cerebro-spinal fluid., Martha Louise Neuner
The issues in the Kentucky Constitutional Convention 1849-1850., Gertrude Pettus 1878-1967
Studies in clinical allergy., M. Lacefield Waterstone
A history of the Danville Conventions, 1784-1792., Paul Bingham Willingter 1916-2009
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
Elizabeth Madox Roberts : her interpretation of life, Andrew J. Beeler
A brief history of Woman's Missionary Union, Southern Baptist Convention., Pearle Bourne
The relative influence of raw material components upon the thermal expansion of vitreous enamel., Robert C. Boyd
Noel Coward's contribution to the comedy of manners., Clara-Marie Doughtry
Lipomata of the uterus., DeLou Perrin Hall
The Polish Corridor., James Otis Kelley
A study of Fermat's last theorem., Jerome L. Krumpelman
A study of the true fermentable substances in grain and the development of a rapid method for the determination of pentosans., Marjorie M. Laning 1916-2010
Edmund Wilson's development as critic., W. E. Lensing
An analysis and interpretation of Keats' Endymion., Lucie Lowry
Prothrombin clotting time in dogs with obstructive jaundice., Lanier Lukins
A study of the Kjeldahl method and a modification for the determination of nitrogen in alcoholic distillates., Margie M. Miller
The epidemiological phase of syphilis control in Louisville., Gradie Raymond Rowntree 1903-1993
How effectual was Shelley? : a study in Shelley criticism., Harriet B. Salin
Public career of James Guthrie (1792-1869)., Anna Ruth Spiegel
Kentucky and the Mississippi Question 1793-1795 : the role of the Democratic Societies., Lullabel M. Thuston 1905-1993
The influence of nutrition on sporangial formation in Araiospora streptandra., Richard Curtis Webster
Theses/Dissertations from 1939
The interpretation of the American Civil War in American fiction., Florence Murray Bailey
Cale Young Rice : a study of his life and works., Jenny Rose Bere 1900-1987
Henry Watterson and the World War propaganda., Patrick S. Kirwan
Oxidation potentials of ferric ammonium citrate., Daniel P. Knopf 1916-1991
The influence of temperature on the internal secretory activity of transplanted ovaries in the rat., Arthur K. Lampton 1915-1978
The morphogenesis of the pectoral girdle of Amblystoma microstomum., Raymond W. Lawrence
The treatment of the factory in English novels, 1830-1914., Clara Bell McLellan
Chemical substitutes., Clarence Elmore Parks 1909-1987
The opium problem., Jack Thompson
Basic philosophic themes in the drama of Eugene O'Neill., Nancy Mae Warren
The origin and history of the Louisville and Portland Canal., Leslie S. Wright 1913-1997
The origins of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad., Lolla Wurtele 1913-2006
Theses/Dissertations from 1938
Joseph Altsheler : his contribution to American fiction for boys., Ona Belle Demaree 1898-1951
A brief survey of Chinese immigrants in American life., Chwen Kiang Djang
A study of the effect of rickets upon the cholesterol and fatty acid content of the brain., Willa Holzheimer 1909-1996
A social and economic history of Louisville, 1860-1865., Edward R. Johnson
The little theatre movement in Louisville., Fred J. Karem
The activity program versus the traditional method of instruction at the second grade level., Ruth Marie Martin
A social survey of Oldham County., Sara Moss Phillips 1913-1988
Recreation in Louisville : an historical sketch., Elizabeth Arterburn Wilson 1902-1998
Theses/Dissertations from 1937
Contrast of Plautus and Terence., C. Ruth Ford
A comprehensive survey of cultural movements in Louisville during the nineteenth century., Flora Heitz
A biochemical study of colloidal sulfur., Gertrude L. Hendershot
Franco-American relations 1914-1917 as mirrored by the Excelsior newspaper., Sherley Chapman Jenkins
A study of mahogany., Roy A. Lawrence
A guide to Hamlet criticism., Helen Moran
The skeletal, muscular, vascular, and the digestive systems of the ferret (Mustela putorius) and a comparison of these systems with those of the domestic cat (Felis domesticus)., Arthur Pincus Skwerer
Theses/Dissertations from 1936
The Know-Nothing party in Louisville., Carl R. Fields 1910-2000
A history of the Louisville City Hospital., Louise Hess Meyers
The anti-oxidant influence of phenol-formaldehyde resins on the drying of linseed oil., Walter William Rinne 1909-1974
A study of furoyl chloride., Luella Shehan
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
Food and drink of Elizabethan England as reflected in the literature of the age., Elizabeth Frederick Baggerly 1901-1988
The Elizabethan religious lyric., John Hines Drake 1891-1981
The anatomy, systematic position, natural history and economic importance of the spoonbill ganoid, Polyodon spathula., Oscar H. Steinberg
The Saar problem., Georgia Wheeler
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
Diplomacy at the outbreak of the World War., Earl Robertson Martin 1890-1984
Butyl and ethanol ethers of the ortho, meta and para xenols., Mary Agatha O'Neill
Practical vacuum drying theory., John W. Ridgway
Traffic in arms., Helen Mercedes Rosebery
Godwinian and Platonic doctrines in the poetry of Shelley., Elizabeth Wagner
France and an international police force., Homer Castle White
Theses/Dissertations from 1933
The organic acid content of normal and pathological blood by the use of the quinhydrone electrode., Letitia Green
The oxidation of amino alcohols., Loran S. O'Bannon 1910-1995
The conference of Algeciras 1906., Marjorie Lucille Rogers
Drying of solids : I. Prussian blue., Orville K. Schmied 1910-1984
The factors affecting the method of branching in Ailanthus glandulosa., Emory W. Theiss
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
The effect of sodium chloride upon the fission rate within a single clone of Paramecium caudatum and the heritability of that effect., Mary C. Adolph
Health and relief functions of the League of Nations., Louise Meyer Barth
Josephus as an historian., Charles Ber Chavel 1906-1982
The influence of Spenser's Irish residence on the Faerie queene., Ellen McDowell Davis
Studies in the diphenyl series : IV. ethers and esters of para- and ortho- hydroxy diphenyl., Margaret Agnes Ford
Sir Philip Sidney : Renaissance courtier and gentleman., Mariam Sidebottom Houchens
An interpretation of the Franco-German relations from Versailles to Locarno., John Paul Keith
The effect of hydrogen ion concentration on the color of metallic chromates., John E. Morris
Post-war problems of Turkey, 1918-1925, Francis Marion Rust
Studies in the diphenyl series III : 4,4'-dichlorotrinitrodiphenyl., H. Harris Ruwe 1908-1980
The invocation of the Monroe Doctrine in the Anglo-Venezuelan boundary dispute., John F. Soren
The effect of alcohol on the bodies of guinea pigs with special reference to the thyroid gland., A. F. Stoner
The influence of Milton's blindness on Paradise lost., Harrell N. Tague
Direct and representative legislation in the early American colonies., Eugene T. Thompson
The electrodeposition of chromium-nickel alloys., Richard James Whelan 1910-2000
Theses/Dissertations from 1931
Literary patronage in the Elizabethan Age., Mary Catherine Coll
A study in local anesthesia diethanolaminoethylester of para-aminobenzoic acid., Wilbur P. Crouch 1907-1964
A study of the diffusibility and non-diffusibility of magnesium and calcium in normal blood sera., Louis J. Halle
The classical prosody heresy in Elizabethan poetic criticism., John Hicks