Date on Paper


Document Type

Doctoral Paper

Degree Name




Committee Chair

Dr. Mary-Beth Coty

Committee Member

Dr. Kennetha Williams

Author's Keywords

No-show; appointment attendance; reminder intervention; community-based mental healthcare; referral engagement


Relative to other outpatient healthcare specialties, appointment nonattendance (no-shows) is most prevalent in psychiatric settings. Upon meeting with a community-based mental health organization in Louisville, KY (LCMHO), referral no-shows for intake appointments were identified as a significant issue. LCMHO’s intake appointment no-show rate, estimated at 25 – 40%, exceeded nonattendance trends in the literature. The purpose of this evidence-based practice (EBP) project was to develop and implement a referral engagement reminder intervention for improving intake appointment attendance. A systematic approach guided by the Model for Improvement was applied to foster this evidence-supported practice change. The project’s findings included a 16% reduction of LCMHO’s baseline no-show rate during the project implementation period. Age was the most predictive variable of no-shows, as older client referrals were more likely to miss their appointments compared to younger individuals.
