Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name



Pharmacology and Toxicology

Committee Chair

Goldstein, Richard E.

Author's Keywords

Diabetes; Pharmacy; Asheville


Pharmacists; Diabetics--Medical care; Diabetics--Treatment


Advancements in medical therapy have augmented resources available to physicians to treat disease and, because of this, spending on prescription drugs has doubled in the past decade. Increasingly, clinical trials are demonstrating the benefits of aggressive disease management in reducing morbidity and mortality. Physicians treating patients with chronic conditions must balance the benefits of combination drug therapy against the risk of adverse drug events and drug interactions. For instance, evidence-based practice guidelines in patients with diabetes and multiple comorbidities require combination therapy in order to reduce morbidity and mortality. Patients with polymorbidity require the attention of multiple physicians, further fragmenting patient care and increasing polypharmacy related issues. Pharmacists are increasingly recognized for expertise in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and have been shown to be beneficial when utilized in patient care. Pharmacists are in a key position to help physicians manage the balance between optimal disease management and the risks of polypharmacy.
