"Sympathy and system in giving." by Elwood Street

Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name


Department (Legacy)

College of Arts and Sciences


Charity; Social service; Charities


A quarter of a century ago, Abraham Epworth Rounds, aged forty-five, came shambling out of mountainous Eastern Tennessee to one of our Kentucky cities. He was intent on making a living in easier fashion than scratching it from the lean soil of the mountainside. Among his immediate relatives were nineteen people, defective from birth – blind, deaf, feeble-minded. Abraham Epworth Rounds ran true to the family form. His vision was so defective that he had been given a few years of schooling at the Tennessee School for the Blind. In Louisville, at first, he made a precarious living for himself and his wife (his second spouse) by working at odd jobs, chiefly on the road, and by periodical fits of labor in the woodyard of the Associated Charities, in exchange for which evidence of his good intent, the family rent and grocery bills were paid. Before long, mutual fits of temper provided the basis of a divorce between himself and his wife.
