"A survey of the safety departments and their two main constituents, po" by Henry Buchtal

Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name




Degree Program

History, MA


Municipal services--United States--Statistics; Fire departments--United States--Statistics; Police--United States--Statistics


The purpose of this survey is to make clear the plan, content, organization and work of public safety departments and their two main subdivisions, fire departments and police departments, in the United States. All cities within the population classes of 250,000 to 650,000 were canvassed. There are a total of twenty-eight cities within that category. Of these, a total of 15 cities replied fully or partially to the questionnaires. Municipalities replying to all three sections of the survey were: Birmingham, Alabama; Denver, Colorado; Louisville, Kentucky; St. Paul, Minnesota; Rochester, New York; Cincinnati, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Toledo, Ohio; San Antonio, Texas. Those municipalities replying to one or two sections of the survey, but not to three, were: Oakland, California; Indianapolis, Indiana; New Orleans, Louisiana; Dallas, Texas; Seattle, Washington; Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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