"Mably on international war and peace." by Kenneth Leeds Holmes

Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name




Committee Chair

Gottschalk, Louis Reichenthal, 1899-1975


Mably, abbe´ de, 1709-1785


This study of Mably’s works was undertaken because of the scant treatment thus far accorded the writings of a philosopher, important in his own century, and peculiarly interesting today in view of the present partial realization of many of his plans for the improvement of society. It was at first intended to make the subject of this paper an exposition of Mably’s communistic theories. That it is not, is partly due to accident. The reading of his works in the order of their composition, necessitated beginning with his Principes des Negotiations which, though not written first, was designed as an introduction to his first important work, the Driot Public de l’Europe. So strong was his insistence upon the necessity for international peace in that work, and so vital is that subject to the world today, that I resolved to make international peace the subject of this paper. I hope at some future time, to carry out my original intention in connection with a more comprehensive exposition of Mably’s philosophy.
