Date on Master's Thesis/Doctoral Dissertation


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name



Theatre Arts

Committee Chair

Hottois, Michael F.

Author's Keywords

Communication and the arts; Langston Hughes


Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery


The process of designing the settings and lighting for a show is an adventure; it's a story that has the normal components of any good story, a beginning, middle and end. There is tension, conflict, climax and resolution. It contains characters who love what they are doing and who have a passion to see the end product be as good as it can possibly be. A thesis, on the other hand, can tell only part of that story. My objective is to create a record of parts of the adventure, so that others maybe guided by the lessons I learned during the design process. My designs are different from those of any other designers. My experiences during this process were different also. At the same time there are many points of contact, many things in common in any design activity. Not only designs for theatrical productions; any design. Research, first putting pencil to paper, collaboration and compromise are some of them. I hope my examples of these and the conclusions I draw will be of help to those who read these pages.
