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Physics and Astronomy
Galaxy morphology in atomic hydrogen (H I) and in the ultraviolet (UV) are closely linked. This has motivated their combined use to quantify morphology over the full H I disc for both H I and UV imaging. We apply galaxy morphometrics: concentration, asymmetry, gini, M20 and multimode-intensity-deviation statistics to the first moment-0 maps of the WALLABY Survey of galaxies in the hydra cluster centre. Taking advantage of this new H I survey, we apply the same morphometrics over the full H I extent on archival GALEX FUV and NUV data to explore how well H I truncated, extended ultraviolet disc (XUV) and other morphological phenomena can be captured using pipeline WALLABY data products. Extended H I and UV discs can be identified relatively straightforward from their respective concentration. Combined with WALLABY H I, even the shallowest GALEX data are sufficient to identify XUV discs. Our second goal is to isolate galaxies undergoing ram-pressure stripping in the H I morphometric space. We employ four different machine learning techniques, a decision tree, a k-nearest neighbour, a support-vector machine, and a random forest. Up to 80 per cent precision and recall are possible with the random forest giving the most robust results.
Original Publication Information
Benne W Holwerda and others, WALLABY Pilot Survey: hydra cluster galaxies UV and H I morphometrics, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 521, Issue 1, May 2023, Pages 1502–1517,
ThinkIR Citation
Holwerda, Benne W.; Bigiel, Frank; Bosma, Albert; Courtois, Helene M.; Deg, Nathan; Dénes, Helga; Elagali, Ahmed; For, Bi-Qing; Koribalski, Baerbel; Leahy, Denis A.; Lee-Waddell, Karen; López-Sánchez, Ángel R.; Oh, Se-Heon; Reynolds, Tristan N.; Rhee, Jonghwan; Spekkens, Kristine; Wang, Jing; Westmeier, Tobias; and Wong, O Ivy, "WALLABY Pilot Survey: hydra cluster galaxies UV and H i morphometrics" (2023). Faculty and Staff Scholarship. 898.
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