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Accreditation and quality assurance are high stakes processes that require wide-ranging input through self and peer review, with the goal of ensuring a high-quality education for students. This essay, part of the POD Speaks series, advises senior academic leaders to involve campus-based educational developers due to their unique expertise in working with faculty, assessing and improving curricula, and guiding organizational change.


© July 2021 The contents of this volume have been copyrighted to protect the authors. Nevertheless, consistent with the networking and resource-sharing functions of the POD Network, readers are encouraged to reproduce these materials for noncommercial educational and research use as long as the source is identified and the integrity of the materials is preserved.

Original Publication Information

Sacks, D., Payette, P., Ellis, D., & Horii, C. V. “Leveraging Centers for Teaching and Learning in Accreditation Review and Quality Assurance Processes.” POD Speaks #4 (2021): 1-6.

POD Speaks Papers – POD Network: Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
