Journal of Refugee & Global Health


The number of forcibly displaced individuals worldwide is increasing each year, reaching 65 million persons by the end of 2015, half of which were women and children. As the population of displaced persons grows, it is every physician’s responsibility to understand these patients and their health needs. Refugee patients and the providers who care for them face many barriers to effective patient care, including language barriers, cultural differences, and systematic inequalities. Female refugees commonly experience gender-based violence, repetitive trauma, stigmatized mental illness, and cultural barriers to women’s healthcare. This review is intended to be a comprehensive guide for the provider caring for the recently resettled female refugee patient. It addresses general considerations for working with refugee patients, initial medical evaluation guidelines, specific women’s health issues, and mental health care of female refugee patients.


No financial support.



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

TABLE1~2.PDF (85 kB)
Table 1. Screening Tests for Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases (CDC, 2014b)

Appendix A Women’s Refugee Clinic Note Template v2.pdf (152 kB)
Figure 1. Women’s Refugee Clinic Note Template

Table 2- Types of Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting, WHO.pdf (119 kB)
Table 2. Types of Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting, WHO



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