This collection includes faculty and staff scholarship from the Speed School of Engineering. For more information about what types of scholarship may be included, please see our Collection Policy.


Submissions from 2021


Transdisciplinary AI observatory—retrospective analyses and future-oriented contradistinctions, Nadisha Marie Aliman, Leon Kester, and Roman Yampolskiy


Impossibility Results in AI: A Survey, Mario Brcic and Roman Yampolskiy


Death in Genetic Algorithms, Micah Burkhardt and Roman Yampolskiy


Designing AI for Explainability and Verifiability: A Value Sensitive Design Approach to Avoid Artificial Stupidity in Autonomous Vehicles, Steven Umbrello and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Understanding and avoiding AI failures: A practical guide, Robert Williams and Roman Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2020


The sounds of science - A symphony for many instruments and voices, Gerianne Alexander, Roland E. Allen, Anthony Atala, Warwick P. Bowen, Alan A. Coley, John B. Goodenough, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Eugene V. Koonin, Mario Krenn, Lars S. Madsen, Martin Månsson, Nicolas P. Mauranyapin, Art I. Melvin, Ernst Rasel, Linda E. Reichl, Roman Yampolskiy, Philip B. Yasskin, Anton Zeilinger, and Suzy Lidström


Modeling and Counteracting Exposure Bias in Recommender Systems, Sami Khenissi and Olfa Nasraoui


Chess as a testing grounds for the oracle approach to AI safety, James D. Miller, Roman Yampolskiy, Olle Häggström, and Stuart Armstrong


Artificial Stupidity: Data We Need to Make Machines Our Equals, Michaël Trazzi and Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2019


Mining semantic knowledge graphs to add explainability to black box recommender systems, Mohammed Alshammari, Olfa Nasraoui, and Scott Sanders


Long-term trajectories of human civilization, Seth D. Baum, Stuart Armstrong, Timoteus Ekenstedt, Olle Häggström, Robin Hanson, Karin Kuhlemann, Matthijs M. Maas, James D. Miller, Markus Salmela, Anders Sandberg, Kaj Sotala, Phil Torres, Alexey Turchin, and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Emergence of addictive behaviors in reinforcement learning agents, Vahid Behzadan, Roman Yampolskiy, and Arslan Munir


SeER: An Explainable Deep Learning MIDI-based Hybrid Song Recommender System, Khalil Damak and Olfa Nasraoui


An Explainable Autoencoder For Collaborative Filtering Recommendation, Pegah Sagheb Haghighi, Olurotimi Seton, and Olfa Nasraoui


Quantum metalanguage and the new cognitive synthesis, Alexey V. Melkikh, Andrei Khrennikov, and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Debiasing the Human-Recommender System Feedback Loop in Collaborative Filtering, Wenlong Sun, Sami Khenissi, Olfa Nasraoui, and Patrick Shafto


Personal Universes: A Solution to the Multi-Agent Value Alignment Problem, Roman V. Yampolskiy


Towards AI welfare science and policies, Soenke Ziesche and Roman Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2018


A psychopathological approach to safety engineering in AI and AGI, Vahid Behzadan, Arslan Munir, and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Performance, workload, and usability in a multiscreen, multi-device, information-rich environment, Jason J. Saleem and Dustin T. Weiler


Wisdom of artificial crowds feature selection in untargeted metabolomics: An application to the development of a blood-based diagnostic test for thrombotic myocardial infarction, Patrick J. Trainor, Roman V. Yampolskiy, and Andrew P. DeFilippis


Ambulatory Clinic Exam Room Design with respect to Computing Devices: A Laboratory Simulation Study, Dustin T. Weiler, Tyler Satterly, Shakaib U. Rehman, Maury A. Nussbaum, Neale R. Chumbler, Gary M. Fischer, and Jason J. Saleem


The singularity may be near, Roman V. Yampolskiy


Why We Do Not Evolve Software? Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms, Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2017


What are the ultimate limits to computational techniques: Verifier theory and unverifiability, Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2016


The AGI containment problem, James Babcock, Jànos Kramàr, and Roman Yampolskiy


On the origin of synthetic life: Attribution of output to a particular algorithm, Roman V. Yampolskiy


Taxonomy of pathways to dangerous artificial intelligence, Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2015


Engineering Faculty Perspectives on the Nature of Quality Teaching, Jacqueline C. McNeil and Matthew W. Ohland


A study on the limitations of evolutionary computation and other bio-inspired approaches for integer factorization, Mohit Mishra, Vaibhav Gupta, Utkarsh Chaturvedi, K. K. Shukla, and Roman Yampolskiy


Corrigendum: Responses to catastrophic AGI risk: A survey (2015 Phys. Scr. 90 018001), Kaj Sotala and Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2014


Responses to catastrophic AGI risk: A survey, Kaj Sotala and Roman V. Yampolskiy


Password protected visual cryptography via cellular automaton rule 30, Roman V. Yampolskiy, Jovan D. Rebolledo-Mendez, and Musa M. Hindi

Submissions from 2013


Efficiency Theory: a Unifying Theory for Information, Computation and Intelligence, Roman V. Yampolskiy


Turing test as a defining feature of AI-completeness, Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2012


Learning visual features for the avatar Captcha recognition challenge, Mohammed Korayem, Abdallah A. Mohamed, David Crandall, and Roman Yampolskiy


Development of embedded CAPTCHA elements for bot prevention in Fischer random chess, Ryan McDaniel and Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2011


Construction of an NP Problem with an exponential lower bound, Roman V. Yampolskiy

Submissions from 2009


Assessing the legal risks in network forensic probing, Michael Losavio, Olfa Nasraoui, Vincent Thacker, Jeff Marean, Nick Miles, Roman Yampolskiy, and Ibrahim Imam

Submissions from 2008


Embedded noninteractive continuous bot detection, Roman V. Yampolskiy and Venu Govindaraju