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Research for this project started in the fall semester of 2019 when I was assigned my graduate mentor, Erica Lewis, to assist and guide me through the process of my research. I then came up ideas that could be used for the Career Center's mural: (1) Portraits of the famous alumni who attended the University of Louisville, (2) School of Law building with the circular path and landscape, displaying students walking their way through college; contains the first thoughts as a freshman when it comes to choosing a major, progressing to show the students walking through college to graduation, (3) well-known landmarks in the Louisville area to express the opportunity for future employment in the city

After coming up with these concepts, I showed the three sketch ideas to Samantha La Mar at the university’s Career Center. We decided that instead of dividing one design across two walls, I would instead use two ideas: the School of Law landscape and the famous alumni portraits.

During the 2019 winter break, I started working on the physical mural itself. For the portrait mural, I used a projector to plan out the compositional layout of the alumni portraits with Erica’s assistance. For the larger School of Law mural, also physically started over winter break, I laid down base coats before adding details in the spring. These two murals where both finished around the first week of February 2020. Upon completion, a reception was held on February 26th to showcase my work.

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painting; mural; fine arts; art; career center



Career Center Mural Project

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Painting Commons
