"Bioproduction of Molecules for Structural 3D Printing Filaments" by Bailey M Hume, Mark P. Running et al.



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In our laboratory, we are focused on the study of plant cells and their use in daily, real-world applications. Our main goal is to produce organic, conductive, and biodegradable material to be used by KAMPERS collaborators. Physcomitrella patens is the model organism we have used. We have created a ggb knockout mutant line of P. patens which is long lasting (immortal) and advantageous over wild-type strains for use in bioreactors. Our laboratory has identified several different metabolic pathways that have potential uses in creating conductive material for use in 3D printing. These pathways are the polyisoprene pathway, the polyacetylene pathway, and the polythiophene pathway. These pathways will be manipulated in P. patens to maximize the production of the monomers needed for polymerization of these materials. Our model systems will be optimized to efficiently create these materials and increase their biomass. We have also found that Eumelanin is a promising conductive material.

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biodegradable, Physcomitrella patens, 3D Printing, ggb mutant, plasmid vectors


Biology | Plant Sciences

Bioproduction of Molecules for Structural 3D Printing Filaments
