This collection includes Senior Thesis projects that were completed by undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Louisville who as a result graduated With Highest Distinction from the College (prior to 2024, this designation was Summa Cum Laude). It also includes retrospective honors theses from years prior, with permission of the authors.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
A world in flux : envisioning climate change from an ecocentric perspective., Katlyn Brumfield
"Divest now!" The student divestment campaign at the University of Louisville : a crusade for equality., Chris Burns
The effect of interspecies signaling on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia growth., Zachary Ethan Dickinson
Cycling around the car : an analysis of America’s car culture, cycling for transportation in the Netherlands, and an exploration of policy solutions., Stephanie Dooper
Filifactor alocis, a newly appreciated oral pathogen, fails to induce the respiratory burst response of human neutrophils., Jacob S. Edmisson
Habeas Corpus and the exceptions clause : exploring intergenerational institutional struggle., Kevin Grout
Lung cancer-related emotional growth : the role of coping styles and prior trauma., Moriah Horn
The effect of Medicaid expansion on emergency department utilization in Kentucky., Anmol Kanotra
Characterization of plethodontid TIMP-like protein (PTP) and its role in tissue remodeling during pheromone gland development., Andrew Knight
The state of tobacco : a remote sensing approach to understanding tobacco crop production in Kentucky., Laura Krauser
Effects of talker variability on spectral contrast effects., Asim Mohiuddin
A survey of the Cuban government’s prospects of attracting foreign direct investment., Philip Moore
Obergefell v. Hodges and support for same-sex marriage : changes in national and state public opinion., Adria Neal
Whiteness in contemporary feminist campaigns : Free the Nipple., Laura Patterson
The Western diet's negative impact on the health of the Pacific Islands., Jessica Ruikka
High school music program participation and subsequent strength of the local music economy., Andrew Segal
An investigation into the adiponectin receptor levels in cardiac, liver and skeletal muscle of mature rats., Jacqueline Sippel
King Arthur and the historical myth of England : a child’s guide to nationalism and identity in the Victorian era., Natalie Clare Smith
Evaluating the role that a putative FXIII binding site plays in the reactivity of three glutamines within the coagulation substrate Fibrinogen Aα (233-425)., Chad A. Stephens
Antibiotic resistant bacteria in natural environments within Kentucky., Steve Tran
Movement patterns of the cave salamander (Eurycea lucifuga) in Sauerkraut Cave, Kentucky., Paige N. Wilson
Habitat effects on blood adiponectin isoforms in black bears., James-Dean Wood
Role of dietary fatty acids in liver injury caused by vinyl chloride metabolites in mice., Heegook Yeo
Syndecan-1 tagged liposomes as a theranostic nanoparticle for pancreatic adenocarcinoma., Wenyuan Yin
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Facing technology : creative solutions to real-world problems., Taylor Juanita Beisler
The Chinese civil service examination's impact on Confucian gender roles., Albert Oliver Bragg
The mankurt remembers : the politics of language in Kazakhstan., Paige Brewer
Correlation between crime and vegetation : a case study of Jefferson County, Kentucky., Yi Ling Chan
Delivering health care to women who use crack : a Brazilian example., Kristen Connors
Kentucky mineral spring resorts : an archaeological reconnaissance of medical trends and land use., Sara Marian Deurell
The consequences for children of incarcerated parents., Lashawn Ford
The effects of perceived enjoyable activities on cognition in late-life., Hannah D. Gardner
The impact of evaluative pressure and higher working memory capacity on sensorimotor skill performance., Lauren Grant
Swimming behavior in temperate forest ants., Sarah Frances Handlon
Electrocatalyst decorated hematite nanowire arrays for photoelectrochemical water splitting., Erica James
Role of ribosomal biogenesis in axonal morphogenesis., Nicholas McChesney Lynch
Thrombospondin-1 decreases NO-mediated vasodilation in coronary arterioles in advancing age., Grant McKenzie
Finding a resolution : religion's role in resolving man's internal dyad., Marianna Michael
The effect of predator positioning and related angles on the flight-initiation distance and refuge choice of the eastern gray squirrel., Lindsay Nason
Making theatre special without special effects : You better sit down : tales from my parents' divorce., Anna Neikirk
The effects of international laws on modern day slavery., Sadmira Ramic
Bilingual intercultural education in Ecuador : education as a means of language revitalization., L Danielle Robinette
Goodnight moonshine : the lasting effects of prohibition on the United States., John Slack
James Wilson and Anglo-American customary constitutionalism., Sean Allen Southard
Relation between intergroup anxiety, depression, intergroup contact quantity and quality in Northern Ireland adolescents., Austin L. Stethen
An act of creation : solo storytelling of Greek mythology., James Thompson
A new tradition : understanding Othello through the performance of Emilia., Megg Ward
The electoral victory of John Bell and the constitutional Union in Kentucky, 1860., Samuel Thomas Whittaker
Holocaust etiquette, myth, and metanarrative : representations of Nazism in contemporary comics., Tessa Withorn
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The impact of mindfulness and test anxiety on academic performance., Mariam A. Altairi
Identification and expression analysis of sugar transporters in microbotryum violaceum., Jared Morris Andrews
Some place to be that's not on the map : Chuck Palahniuk's demarginalization of the gothic monster., Morgan Blair
Microgenomic approaches to identify clinically relevant gene signatures that discriminate histologic types of breast carcinomas., Sean Thomas Butterbaugh
Building reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina : the effects of ingroup identification, outgroup trust, and intergroup forgiveness on intergroup contact quantity., Branka Damjanovic
A mindfulness-based intervention to reduce stress in undergraduates., Dirk Anthony Dorsel
Sovereign democracy : Russia's response to the color revolutions., Sarah Fisher
Virginia's pursuit of self-government : the effects of the civil war and interregnum on England's first successful colony in North America, 1652-1660., Lloyd Franklin Fowler
Women's activism and social networks in post-genocide Rwanda., Michelle Cecelia Marie Fox
Concealment and construction of knightly identity in Chretien's romances and Malory's Le morte Darthur., Taylor Lee Gathof
Comparative analysis of varying theoretical frameworks in Argentine music therapy., Talia Girton
Epidemiology and virulence of Clostridium difficile : an evolutionary perspective., Lindsey E. Hastings
Developing a cardiomyocyte proliferation probe utilizing non-degradable CKAP2., Suraj Kannan
Infall as a function of position and molecular tracer in dense cores., Jared Alan Keown
Examining the effects of saccade execution and handedness on proactive interference., Montgomery A. Kroger
Kentucky politics : where are all the women?, Carrie Mattingly
Is it the thought that counts? : investigating children's understanding of helpfulness, effort, and utility., Danielle McCarty
The human immune response to the flagellins of Burkholderia dolosa., Molly McDonald
Portrayals of mental illness and physical disability in 21st century children's animation., Amy Sue Marie Miller
Interactions between human neutrophils and mycobacterium smegmatis : a comparative general analysis., Irina Miralda
Reflective tales : tracing fairy tales in popular culture through the depiction of maternity in three “Snow White” variants., Alexandra O'Keefe
Imperial masculinities from late Victorianism to early global modernism., Michael Anthony Phillips
From hip to hypocrisy : an exploration of the hipster and the cooptation of style., Melissa Rothman
Promoting diversity in the universal : rethinking universal design for learning., Jill Sadowski
Student government leadership in the 21st century : its importance and why it must be supported., Spencer Scruggs
Costume design for the UofL Department of Theatre Arts' production of Tim Robbins' Dead man walking., Rachel Jennifer Siow
Racial-ethnic identity development in Hispanic young adolescent students : synthesis of literature., Katherine Elizabeth Stemle
Graphic design in the United States targeting Hispanic consumers., Chelsea Vaal
"A more perfect union" : exploring the nature and terms of the American Union., Meghan A. Waters
A retrospective study on the effect of immunotherapy treatment on nasal polyposis., Johanna Haejean Yun
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Improving student learning of organic chemistry by the use of case comparisons., Divine-Favour Ekene Anene
Global-health diplomacy : the social determinants perspective of health approach and the future global policy agenda., Naseem Ansari
Examining the substrate specificity of factor XIIIa towards peptide substrate modelsaC fibrin domains., Jacob Bell
Subjective depression and thought disorder in schizophrenia : are they related?, Ariel Briggs
Public health department perspectives on cervical and prostate cancer prevention in southeastern Kentucky., Jordan Danielle Burns
Handling a social threat : the fate of women beyond Victorian societal definition., Alexandra Clifton
Ethical imperatives of teaching stress control to promote well-being., Clayton Coleman
Television and depression., Rachel Marie Cunningham
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders : identifying family factors, characterizing child behaviors, and evaluating a parent education program., Lauren B. Davis
Demographic effects on attitudes toward dating violence and the need for legal protections., Kellianne K. Doan
Injustice and the industrial food system : a structural reconstruction., Alexandra Bree Farrell
An examination of interest groups : impact on public opinion., Olivia Feldkamp
An explication of Nietzsche's views on punishment., Erik Jay Hascal
Political polarization : an exploration of its effects on congressional action and public opinion., Jennifer Henry
Identity crisis : the development of ethnic identities in South Africa and Northern Ireland and resolutions to ethnic violence., Erran Michael Huber
Comparing resiliency in early and late-life bereavement., Janna Lynn Imel