Welcome to the submission site for the Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers!
What are the Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers?
The published colloquium papers detail the original works of mentored research of members of the Grawemeyer Scholars Association, any other scholars at the University of Louisville, or graduate and undergraduate researchers.
As of 2024,Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers is no longer accepting new submissions.
Current Volume: Volume 2020 (2021)
Colloquium Reports
Gender Identity and Pronoun Usage in Standardized Patient Encounters
Martha M. Popescu, Emily J. Noonan, and Laura A. Weingartner
How a Low-Cost Method for Cumulative Water-Sampling shows need for improvement of Legal public-contact Standards in the United States
Samuel C. Kessler
Students’ Reasons Why Re-entering The University After Co-op Experience Is Difficult
Cathryn G. Sebree
Review of Chemoselective Reagent Based-Breath Analysis Techniques
Madeline F. McCloud
Capital Punishment and the Bifurcated Trial System
Alexandra Michalak
Cost Countries Pay for High Homicide Rates
Brittany Lowe
Look Who's Talking: Differences in Rates of Interruptions and Proportion of Time Used by Male and Female U.S. Courts of Appeals Judges
Sabrina L. Collins, Molly G Baldock, Jasmyne N. Post, and Elizabeth Turner
The Role of Parents’ Negative Emotional Symptoms, Time Homebound, and Parent-Infant Interactions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kolbie A. Vincent, Katherine G. Golway, and Cara H. Cashon
Exploring Mindfulness as an Illness Pathway Between Eating Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
Emma G. Roberts, Brenna M. Williams, and Cheri Levinson