Aims and Scope | The Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers | University of Louisville
Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers

Aims and Scope

About the Grawemeyer Colloquium

The Grawemeyer Colloquium at the University of Louisville is a meeting following its namesake and legacy of The Grawemeyer Awards. This “colloquium” is not a typical conference or symposium. It is an annual celebration of the understanding and improvement of quality individual ideas and the works that stem from them, open to any of UofL’s students, scholars, researchers, mentors and faculty.

The colloquium is an academic meeting co-sponsored by The Grawemeyer Scholars Association and curated under The Executive Director of The Grawemeyer Awards through the University of Louisville’s Institutional Repository. It features undergraduates from all disciplines with presentations of quality mentored research or juried works. All presenters at the colloquium represent a commitment to developing thought by first submitting a colloquium paper of their work that will be published in The Grawemeyer Colloquium Papers.

The annual colloquium is intended to facilitate interdisciplinary understanding, including a keynote faculty speaker who will share their own individual work and the value of ideas of their field of study with student scholars, faculty mentors and colleagues. The goal of this meeting is for scholars to seek to improve their ideas, their future potential, and their understanding by presenting to faculty and peers.

Open to all, The Grawemeyer Colloquium is a meeting to celebrate and improve “The Power of Ideas”.