Journal of Student Financial Aid

The Journal of Student Financial Aid is a peer-reviewed outlet featuring works of significance in all areas of postsecondary student financial assistance. We invite the submission of manuscripts that report original research findings; editorial opinions on policy issues; research in brief; and book reviews.
Current Issue: Volume 53, Issue 3 (2024)
Research Articles
Emerging and Young Adult Student Loan Borrowers: Financial Behaviors and Characteristics
Gaurav R. Sinha, Sean P. Mullen, Christopher R. Larrison, and Sicong Sun
A Qualitative Exploration of The Robert Smith Gift at Morehouse College
Kinnis Gosha, Nina Gilbert, Whitney Nelson, Kaylah Mackroy, Mi'Kayla Newell, Amber Reid, and Kaela S. Jackson
Scholarly Article
Loans in the Long Game: How Student Debt Affects Financial Stress Post-Graduation
Thomas S. Zimmerman, Faye R. Jones, Avery M. D. Davis, and Carley Dear
Research Briefs