
Journal of Student Financial Aid

Journal of Student Financial Aid


As mandated by the Higher Education Amendments of 1976, students receiving Title IV federal financial aid are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress. While requiring schools to enforce a set of standards, the regulations do not specify what the standards should be. Each school must develop and apply its own policy of satisfactory academic progress. According to the 1978- 79 Student Financial Aid Handbook, failure to develop these standards would bar an institution from awarding Title IV aid since there would be no method to determine whether a student was maintaining satisfactory progress or not. In April 1982, NASFAA published a monograph entitled Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Financial Aid Eligibility - A Self-Regulation Initiative. This monograph provides guidelines for developing satisfactory progress policies and putting these policies into practice. An important factor discussed is a procedure permitting students to appeal denial of aid. Some means of evaluating extenuating circumstances and making appropriate exceptions to the policy is essential. One way to do this is through the use of an appeals committee.
