This collection includes theses and dissertations from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, in the College of Arts & Sciences. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Examining associations between parental meta-emotion, child ADHD symptoms, and socioemotional impairments., Meaghan Flynn
Applying exploratory learning methods to sociopolitical beliefs and cognition., Sarah French
Children's beliefs about search engines., Lauren N. Girouard-Hallam
Risk perception, diabetes risk knowledge, and fatalism in adults at risk for type 2 diabetes: a self-determination theory perspective., Cassandra M. Gonzalez
Exploring resilience with neuroimaging: Moderators of the impacts of childhood traumatic stress on fear processing., Karisa June Hunt
Exploratory learning in two modalities: Tabular vs graphical., Lianda Velic
Testing the feasibility and acceptability of a mindful self-compassion group workshop among individuals with eating disorders: A pilot study., Brenna Mary Williams
Emotional content in working memory processes: An FMRI study., Manal Zafar
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Formalizing the Faustian bargain within the healthcare domain: an end-of-life approach., Rachel Appel
Connections between polyvictimization, daily stress, emotion regulation, and mental health symptoms: An ecological momentary assessment study., Zoe L. Bridges-Curry
False memories are impacted by semantic pairing of DRM lists., Ryan Coleman
Interactive computer-based simulations as exploratory learning activities., Derek McClellan
Children's beliefs about hierarchical structures and relationships., Megan Norris
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Self-regulation in young school-aged children with Williams syndrome., Holley Arnold
Investigating the shared and unique mechanisms of the development of comorbid eating disorder-anxiety symptoms during adolescence., Leigh Cara Brosof
Coping flexibility and academic resilience among low-SES college students., Benjamin J. Calebs
Neurocognitive and momentary assessment of fear-based mechanisms underlying the transition from partial to full remission in anorexia nervosa., Caroline Christian
Quality of life and end-of-life plans: the inclusion of sexual health., Jacinta Dickens
The effects of stigma on quality of life and psychological outcomes in participants with varying reports of subjective cognitive decline., Lauren Flaherty
Changing public perception of dementia: the effect and credibility of three informational models., Diana Hedrick
Effects of top-down attention and individual differences on recognition memory and recollective experience., Anna Kelley
Age-related differences in the relationship between activity familiarity and well-being., S. Kelly Shryock
The role of accuracy in children’s judgments of experts’ knowledge., Allison J. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Literacy abilities of children and adolescents with Williams Syndrome., Caroline Greiner De Magalhaes
The effect of parent interactions on young infants’ visual attention in an object manipulation task., Nonah Marie Olesen
Social cognition, impulsivity, and emotion regulation factors in aggressive behavior among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Kelly E. Slaughter
Manipulating mindful breathing versus mindful eating: examining the effect of specific mindfulness mechanisms on food intake and eating disorder symptoms., Irina Alexandrovna Vanzhula
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Language ability and concurrent predictors of pragmatic communication in children with williams syndrome or 7q11.23 duplication syndrome., Amanda G. Harmon
Reactive and regulative temperament dimensions, emotion regulation, and concurrent internalizing and externalizing pathology among youth with ADHD., Kirsten D. Leaberry
Fatalism as a cultural influence on correlates of anxiety and worry in Latino/a adolescents., Judy Mier-Chairez
Depressive symptoms and survival among lung cancer patients: biomarkers and potential benefits of an iPod- and mindfulness-based intervention., Chelsea J. Siwik
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Religious coping measurement in the context of long-term care., Nathaniel David Andrew
Exploratory learning activities in the physics classroom: contrasting cases versus a rich dataset., Campbell Rightmyer Bego
Understanding worry and mindfulness through psycholinguistics., Elena Maria Clara Geronimi Bortoleto
Disentangling the negativity bias: 7-9-month-old crawling and non-crawling infants' responses to fearful and angry expressions., Katherine C. Dixon
Emotion regulation is associated with peer victimization among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Nicholas D. Fogleman
Behavioral and cognitive correlates of intolerance of uncertainty in children with and without anxiety disorders., Colette Marie Gramszlo
Speech articulation in children with Williams syndrome or 7q11.23 duplication syndrome., Myra Jean Fallon Huffman
Developmental changes in reasoning about cross-classified individuals., Catherine H. McDermott
Help-seeking for cognitive impairment by the patient : the role of self-compassion., Allison J. Midden
Involuntary memories after stressor exposure: contribution of hormonal status and rumination in women., Samantha C. Patton
Emotion regulation and the experience of racial microaggressions., Broderick Sawyer
Functional opponency in working memory capacity predicts cognitive flexibility in problem solving., Charles A. Van Stockum Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Cross-validation of the body compassion scale in a sample of women in perimenopause., Jennifer K. Altman
Assessing the relationship between talker normalization and spectral contrast effects in speech perception., Ashley Atri Assgari
Repetitive negative thinking styles and first-semester academic performance: psychological risk and resilience among low-income college students., Darlene M. Davis
The effects of monaural and binaural cues on perceived reverberation by normal hearing and hearing-impaired listeners., Gregory Matthew Ellis
Fostering positive emotion through self-compassion in individuals with chronic pain., Melissa E. Ellsworth
Accuracy differences between interview formats : examining factors that may influence metamemory utilization., Robin F. Hopkins
Effects of context and individual differences on memory for prior remembering., Marcus L. Leppanen
Weight stigma and motivation to exercise : exploring associations and constructs from the basic needs theory., Stephanie R. McDonough
Microaggressions in LGB individuals: the protective role of positive LGB identity., Ghazel Tellawi
First semester academic functioning of college students : the role of stressful and traumatic life events., Ashlee J. Warnecke
Understanding the relationship between positive affect and cortisol in lung cancer patients., Lauren Ann Zimmaro
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The roles of anxious rearing, negative affect, and effortful control in a model of risk for child perfectionism., Nicholas William Affrunti
The relationship between trauma and health-related quality of life in lung cancer patients : the potential protective role of mindfulness., Rene Bayley-Veloso
Preparing for racial discrimination : the role of cognition and emotion in the proactive coping process of African American college students., Ryan Christopher Tyler DeLapp
Exploring a multifactorial, clinical model of thought disorder : application of a dimensional, transdiagnostic approach., Mara Ann Hart
Interaction style of mothers of young children with Williams syndrome and relations with child expressive vocabulary., Danielle R. Henderson
Cumulative trauma, emotion reactivity and salivary cytokine response following acute stress among healthy women., Yvette Z. Szabo
Emotion socialization and families of children with and without ADHD., Danielle M. Walerius
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Patterns of early lexical and gestural development in children with Williams syndrome., Angela M. Becerra
Learning from science lectures : students remember more and make better inferences when they complete skeletal outlines compared to other guided notes., David Bradley Bellinger
Impact of luminance and spatial parameters on the generation of the human pattern electroretinogram., Kate A. Godwin
Mechanisms responsible for the development of causal perception in infancy., Nicholas A. Holt
Social comparison processes as contributors to consistent physical activity., Holly M. Knight
Distress, circadian rhythms, immunity, and survival in presurgical breast cancer patients., Whitney Nicole Rebholz
A culturally-sensitive cognitive model of worry in African American youth., Allyn Elizabeth Richards
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Effects of amplitude modulation on sound localization in reverberant environments., Paul W. Anderson
Awareness of executive functioning as a diagnostic tool for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease., Jeremy Stark Carmasin
Temporal information processing across primary visual cortical layers in normal and red light reared tree shrews., Wenhao Dang
Intimate partner psychological abuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms : the role of shame during recall of psychological abuse memories., Kimberly N. Fleming
Testing the chronic care model for depression in homebound older adults., Brittney Rose Getz
A culturally-sensitive model of the development of child anxiety., Jenny Marie Petrie
What we see changes how we see : analyzing the plasticity of the horizontal effect., April Marie Schweinhart
The neuropsychological profile of older adult musicians and non-musicians : implications for cognitive reserve in late life., Jessica Vemich Strong,
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Measuring mindful interoception : development of the mindful interoception sampling task (MIST)., Samuel J. Dreeben
Unnatural pedagogy : a computational analysis of children's learning to learn from other people., Baxter S. Eaves 1984-
Retinal synaptic function in the absence of the on pathway., Kathryn Marie Heath Fransen
Taking clinical judgment out of the equation : a call for the standardization of MCI diagnostic criteria and construction of a model to predict conversion to dementia., Adam Tyler Gerstenecker
Putting the person first : an examination of thought disorder and personality heterogeneity in schizophrenia., Catherine Rose Robertson
Boundary contour based surface representation., Yong Su
Dispositional mindfulness and working memory in the context of acute stress., Lauren M. Vines
Self-regulation theory and self-monitoring of blood glucose behavior in type 2 diabetes mellitus., Jennifer E. F. Ward
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Anxiety in children with Williams syndrome : association with negative reactivity, self-regulation, and sensory modulation., Nicole A. Crawford-Zelli
Deconstructing saccades : identifying the components of saccades that produce saccade-induced retrieval enhancement., James Matthew Edlin
Testing location memory for threatening and nonthreatening stimuli : implications for evolutionary psychological theorizing., Ryan Patrick Hacklander
Exploring the potential relationship between mindfulness and ratings of perceived exertion., Scott Michael Hanneman
The development of word-object associations in typically developing infants and infants and toddlers with Williams syndrome., Oh Ryeong Ha
The relationship between dispositional mindfulness and eating : an analysis of self-reported and in vivo eating behaviors in undergraduate females., Megan E. Jablonski
Behavioral rhythm, sleep, and mood disturbances in newly admitted nursing home residents., Irene M. Kostiwa
Relations between nonverbal cognitive ability and spoken language development : implications for deaf toddlers who use cochlear implants., Carissa Lynn Shafto