This collection includes theses and dissertations from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, in the College of Arts & Sciences. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Resilience in late-life bereavement : disentangling the relationship between resilience and cumulative lifetime loss., Shruti N. Shah
Understanding thought disorder in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders : exploring the relation and implications of affect., Rachel Nicole Waford
Modeling risk for the development of child anxiety : the role of parent emotion socialization practices, children's emotional competence, and physiological responsiveness., Sarah Ramsey Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Factors affecting speech intelligibility improvement with exposure to reverberant room listening environments., Eugene Brandewie
Grief and lost potential in the parents of adult children with severe mental illness., Karen Eisenmenger
Anxiety in older adults with dementia residing in long-term care facilities., Lauren Summer Hess
Self-efficacy in the context of psychological abuse: a model of efficacy erosion., Kristen E. Hosey
Metacognitive processes in social anxiety : a path analysis., Ryan Patrick Hosey
Learning from graphically integrated 2D and 3D representations improves retention of neuroanatomy., Farah Naaz
Individual and developmental differences in susceptibility to the irrelevant speech effect., Amanda Frances O'Bryan
A model of resilience in children at risk for the development of anxiety., Matthew David Hartman Schrock
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Motor observation, motor performance, and motor imagery : an ERP study., Eric Brian
Achievement motivation and self-evaluative emotions in preschool children from low-income families., Crystal A. Day
Social-emotional behaviors in African-American toddlers : the role of risk and protective factors., Paulette Flores 1970-
The regulatory function of social referencing in preschoolers with Down syndrome or Williams syndrome., Angela E. John
Worry in children : proposal and test of a cognitive model., Sarah Jane Kertz
The nature of anisotropy in gain control pools., Yeon Jin Kim
Theory of mind, social functioning, and awareness of ability in older adults., Sarah Vedrody Rowe
Algebra knowledge in early elementary school supporting later mathematics ability., Scott A. Strother 1979-
Narrative comprehension abilities of children from low-income families : role of temperament, attention skills, and cognitive engagement., Tara N. Weatherholt
Perceptual learning of binocular interactions., Jingping Xu
Health disparities and depression in rural and urban older adults., Jennifer Ann Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Daily emotional experiences, stress, and PTSD symptoms among midlife women exposed to intimate partner violence : an experience sampling study., Rebecca Ann Weigel
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Anticipatory grief in the context of dementia caregiving., Caitlin Holley
Integration of the avoidance cycle with the schema enmeshment model of pain : relationships with quality of life and disability in chronic, nonmalignant pain., Jeffrey A. Meyer
Speech perception and the McGurk effect : a cross cultural study using event-related potentials., Jia Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Disappointment domains, quality of life, and the impact of mental illness : an evaluation of demographic differences., Christina Lynn Adkins
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Young children's use of causal connections during storytelling : The role of context and individual differences in attention., Danielle D. Brown
Circadian disruption in women with breast cancer., Eric Dedert
Anxiety disorders in children with Williams syndrome, their mothers, and their siblings : implications for the etiology of anxiety disorders., Ovsanna Leyfer
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Anxiety and control in African American families., L. Kevin Chapman
Using auditory evoked brain responses to detect anxious vulnerabilities in neonates., Kyle William Harvison
Psychopathy factors and degree of forcefulness in sex-offenders : implications for current risk-assessment practices., Luciano Tristan
Mindfulness as a moderator of coping response and the Abstinence Violation Effect : a test of the role of mindfulness in the Relapse Prevention Model for exercise., Christi S. Ulmer 1964-
Psycholinguistic coherence of emotion states., Jim A. Yockey
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Interpersonal change as an outcome of time-limited interpersonal therapy., Nicholas Lawrence Salsman 1978-
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Human visual processing of orientation in broad stimuli., Bruce C. Hansen
Psychosocial antecedents of sex offender criminality and violence., Sonia Marie Perry Mills 1965-
"My partner wasn't so disgusting when we first started dating, what happened?" : an exploration of change processes in close relationships and their causes., Stephen R. Shamblen
The visual perception of distance in action space., Bing Wu 1973-
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Perceptions of patronizing speech by service providers toward elderly adults: A comparison between older women and female nursing students., Tammi Rae La Tourette
Unconventional therapies : individual factors associated with use, perceptions of function and efficacy., Kenneth George Lombart 1954-
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Elderly respondents' perceptions of patronizing speech by service providers toward elderly adults., Tammi Rae La Tourette
Theses/Dissertations from 1975
A comparison of two smoking reduction treatments under conditions designed to be interfering or not interfering with the smoking habit., Gary Clive Salk 1944-
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
An experimental study of the effect of five variables on the rate of reversal of reversible figures., Clarence Howard Amster
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
A proposed study of the affect of group counseling upon students on academic probation at the University of Louisville., Morrison L. Cooke
A proposed study of the effect of non-directive play therapy upon the verbal and performance I.Q.'s of mentally deficient boys., George C. Hall
A proposed design for the evaluation of change in a small reference group., Irene Perry
A proposed study of verbal employment references., Bernard M. Smith