This collection includes theses and dissertations from the College of Arts and Sciences. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Prevalence of knowledge in forensic anthropological field methods within traditional forensic investigation., Cassandra Christina Rausch 1988-
Putting the person first : an examination of thought disorder and personality heterogeneity in schizophrenia., Catherine Rose Robertson
The bricks in action : women's public housing activism in Louisville, Kentucky, 1958-1970., Aletia M. Robey
Facing crisis : maintaining class status in Victorian Old Louisville., David Walter Schatz
Thermionic emission properties of novel carbon nanostructures., Andriy Sherehiy
Women of the 1913 Armory Show : their contributions to the development of American modern art., Jennifer Pfeifer Shircliff
Biomarker discovery of liver diseases using mass spectrometry-based metabolomics., Xue Shi
Applications of GIS analyses and ecological approaches to paleolithic sites in Portugal., Christopher M. Sims
Communitas in YouTube comments : the March 2012 Henryville tornadoes., Richard William Slawsky
Aerial arial : a lesson in strength and stamina., Ashley Elizabeth Smith
Transfer and the commodification of practice., Kenneth Andrew Smith
The ethos of conspiracy argument : "character" as persuader in conspiracy rhetoric., Michael James Sobiech
The whore paradox : "rational" condom use decisions among prostitutes in the context of stigma and patriarchal bargaining., Maggie McCandless Stone
Disaster and poverty : the differential impacts of disaster on the poor in the Gulf Coast region., Abu Muhammad Sufiyan 1979-
Boundary contour based surface representation., Yong Su
The grey eagle of Glen Lily : Simon Bolivar Buckner's place in the lost cause, reunion, and politics of the late nineteenth century., Whitney K. Todd 1989-
Pedagogy : reconsiderations and reorientations., John Vance
Legislation and its effects on race relations in southeastern Indiana, 1785-1860., D. W. Varble
Mechanistic investigations of pseudouridine synthases : a surprising glycal intermediate lies on the reaction pathway., Govardhan reddy Veerareddygari
Dispositional mindfulness and working memory in the context of acute stress., Lauren M. Vines
Self-regulation theory and self-monitoring of blood glucose behavior in type 2 diabetes mellitus., Jennifer E. F. Ward
An analysis of the Creation Museum : hermeneutics, language, and information theory., Steven Mark Watkins
The rise of Bulgarian nationalism and Russia's influence upon it., Lin Wenshuang
Radical sister : Lucy Freibert as feminist nun, activist, and educator., Jessica Whitish
Prompting discussion : writing prompts, habits of mind, and the shape of the writing classroom., William Matthew Wiles
Competing conceptions of literacy : intersections in a dual-credit writing program., Caroline Wilkinson
The Riom trial : Marshal Petain's attack on the Third Republic., James Estel Williams 1985-
Dust properties of Z~2 infrared-luminous lyman break galaxies., Jennifer Leigh Wojno
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
In-situ monitoring of transport properties of graphene during plasma functionalization and it's applications in energy storage., Ruwantha Jayasingha Atapattu Mudiyaneselage 1980-
Plant and arthropod diversity in prairie restorations around Louisville, KY., Sarah Elizabeth Atherton
Translingualism in post-secondary writing and language instruction : negotiating language ideologies in policies and pedagogical practices., Nancy Bou Ayash
The palm of my hand : keeping an audience engaged as Benedick in Much ado about nothing., Jake Beamer
"Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished" : mortality, sexuality and spirituality in the early modern period., Whitney L. Brown
I "like" slash : the demographics of Facebook slash communities., Janidean Bruner 1987-
Hope for people or hope for cities? : HOPE VI at Liberty Green., Jelisa Clark
Our mess is more., Conyer Clayton
The marriage effect : an intergenerational analysis of marijuana desistance., Rachel Coonce 1983-
The women of Battlestar Galactica and their roles : then and now., Jesseca Schlei Cox 1988-
Anxiety in children with Williams syndrome : association with negative reactivity, self-regulation, and sensory modulation., Nicole A. Crawford-Zelli
Discovering domestic cemeteries : history, preservation, and education., Savannah Leigh Darr 1985-
Wine with pharaohs., Jean Fox DeMoisey 1974-
Privatization and ethical implications for public managers., Eric Dennison 1979-
Literacy and identity in popular and participatory culture., Laura A. Detmering
Exploring the interaction of explicit, genre-based instruction with antecedent genres and student engagement., Jason Charles Dietz
The founding of the Art in Embassies program and the misrepresentation of American art., Zachary Scott Distel
The new paradigm of rehabilitation : a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of incarceration-based rehabilitation in regards to recidivism reduction., Shaun Andrew Dixon 1985-
Mixture of Poisson distributions to model discrete stock price changes., Rasitha Rangani Jayasekare Kodippuli Thanthillage Dona
Ideologies of response in composition classrooms., Matt Dowell
The feeling of faith : a Thomistic account of religious emotions., John K. Dryden 1976-
The sea empress's garden., Brandon Dyer 1980-
Deconstructing saccades : identifying the components of saccades that produce saccade-induced retrieval enhancement., James Matthew Edlin
Influence of Lonicera maackii on leaf litter decomposition and macroinvertebrate communities in an urban stream., Catherine A. Fargen
Site 15SP202 and the Mississippian presence at the falls of the Ohio River., William Travis Fisher 1983-
Signs of blackness., William Fitzgerald Flood 1980-
"Two machines similarly constructed" : humanity between apes and clones., Emily Regina Freund
Interactivity in Louisville museums., Robert Stephen Goforth 1983-
Southern honor, Confederate warfare : southern antebellum cultural values in Confederate military operations, 1861-1865., Matthew D. Goldberg
Testing location memory for threatening and nonthreatening stimuli : implications for evolutionary psychological theorizing., Ryan Patrick Hacklander
Exploring the potential relationship between mindfulness and ratings of perceived exertion., Scott Michael Hanneman
The development of word-object associations in typically developing infants and infants and toddlers with Williams syndrome., Oh Ryeong Ha
Before your eyes., Zachary Garrett Hardin
From farmer to market : the rhetorical construction of farmers in the local food movement., Hannah Virginia Harrison
Cultural interpretations of Socratic and Confucian education philosophy., Wang Heng
The relationship between dispositional mindfulness and eating : an analysis of self-reported and in vivo eating behaviors in undergraduate females., Megan E. Jablonski
The day of the Lord., Neil David James 1989-
Godard and Nietzsche : a case for filmosophy., Andrew Ronald Jones 1985-
Stranded strangers : Ethiopian refugees and the quest for urban citizenship in Nairobi, Kenya., Derese Getachew Kassa 1979-
The four others in I. Kadare's works : a study of the Albanian national identity., Jing Ke
A paradox of American tragedy : Long day's journey into night and the problem of negative emotion in theatrical performance., Jeremy Killian
Art museum deaccessioning : conflict between museum professionals, donor intent, the public, and living artists., Megan Elizabeth Kociscak 1987-
Theoretical investigations of photophysics and spectroscopic properties in B12 cofactors., Karina Kornobis
Behavioral rhythm, sleep, and mood disturbances in newly admitted nursing home residents., Irene M. Kostiwa
Computational modelling of chemical reactions catalyzed by cobalamin (B12)-dependent enzymes : mechanistic insights., Neeraj Kumar
Aminooxy reagents for synthesis and analysis : expanding the role of oximation., Sebastien Laulhe
Knitting as art., Deborah Levine
Badges of slavery : the struggle between civil rights and federalism during reconstruction., Vanessa Hahn Lierley 1981-
The Supreme Court, the establishment clause, and the First Amendment., William Lorigan 1976-
Numinous awakenings in The golden key., Trisha Anne Maclin 1989-
The rhetoric of Africa : historical turns in constructing a continent, 1780-1890., Dexter Peck Mahaffey
Utilizing the spectator perspective in the acting process., Jocelyn K. Matsuo
The historical and cultural meanings of American music lyrics from the Vietnam War., Erin Ruth McCoy
Navigating the field : an examination of rhetorical spaces in the Journal of sex research., Deanna McGaughey-Summers
An inter-theoretical approach to acting., Cara Elizabeth McHugh
Community level impacts of Microstegium vimineum on arthropod community structure and foodweb dynamics in a temperate deciduous forest., Judith L. Metcalf
Consider David Foster Wallace, or reconsidering DFW : literary self-fashioning and slacker genius., Michael Franklin Miller
Spectral investigation of the conformation of primary and secondary micelles of sodium cholate and the impact of pH and salt concentration., Sarah Elizabeth Milliner
Hydrogen (H2) sensing and catalysis with organic-stabilized Pd and Pd alloy nanoparticles., Monica Moreno
Neighborhoods, social capital and economic success., Sean M. Payne
Land use controls, equine landscapes and the role of political culture in managing sprawl development., Lynn Roche Phillips
The autodidact : Constantine Samuel Rafinesque and the limits of the posthumanities., Elijah Pritchett
Recovery and biogeography of Pseudomonas and Burkholderia species from the human home., Megan E. Purdy
Support of police consolidation : assessing the impact of perceived complexity., John C. Reed 1956-
Pioneers, proclamations, and patents : a narrative of the conquest, division, settlement, and transformation of Kentucky., Brandon Michael Robison 1986-
A subcultural study of freestyle BMX : the effects of commodification and rationalization on edgework., Shane Scott
Pyruvate carboxylase is upregulated in NSCLC to support proliferation and anabolism., Katherine Sellers
Relations between nonverbal cognitive ability and spoken language development : implications for deaf toddlers who use cochlear implants., Carissa Lynn Shafto
Resilience in late-life bereavement : disentangling the relationship between resilience and cumulative lifetime loss., Shruti N. Shah