This collection includes theses and dissertations from the College of Arts and Sciences. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Computation of Least Angle Regression coefficient profiles and LASSO estimates., Sandamala Hettigoda
The evolution and analysis of legal protection for medical conscientious objectors., John Peter Hill
Mechanisms responsible for the development of causal perception in infancy., Nicholas A. Holt
Murakami-ego : collective culpability and selective retention., Yun Kweon Jeong
Reel racism, real consequences : a multiple case analysis of savior films as racial projects., Eric A. Jordan
Exchange patterns and relations in collaborative governance., Charles Wharton Kaye-Essien
Assessing cultural competence in a mental health outpatient facility., Alexis N. Keen Crook
To my betas, endless chocolate frogs! : exploring the intersections of emotion, the body, and literacy in online fanfiction., Brittany Kelley
Social comparison processes as contributors to consistent physical activity., Holly M. Knight
Identities without origins : fat/trans subjectivity and the possibilities of plurality., MC Lampe
Woody plant communities of three urban wetlands and the success of an invasive shrub (Lonicera maackii) over natural and experimental flooding gradients., Meghan Rhea Langley
Plant community responses to the removal of Lonicera maackii from an urban woodland park., Elihu H. Levine
"Clarity" and "The romantic Marvin Milkweed"., Adam Christopher Lippert
Effects of invasive shrub honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) and forest composition on bird communities in woodland stands., Katie Rae Lynch
The zodiac army., Keith Charles Marks
Casting calls on the hillbilly highway : a content analysis of Appalachian-based reality television programming., Dan Thelman Martin
Let's keep in touch : conversations about access and tactility., Whitney E. B. Mashburn
Race, rebellion, and Arab Muslim slavery : the Zanj Rebellion in Iraq, 869 - 883 C.E., Nicholas C. McLeod
A qualitative analysis of communality in Louisville community gardens., Victoria Ann Montgomery
Care, constraint, and collaboration : situating gender and power among multidisciplinary human service organizations., Christa Jane Moore
Presence and the actor's craft., Casey Richard Moulton
"The quality of women's intelligence" : female humanists in Renaissance Italy., Julie Myers-Mushkin
Global population distributions and the environment : discerning observed global and regional patterns., Jeremiah J. Nieves
Development and applications of novel HF-based fluorination reagents : DMPU-HF., Otome Elisha Okoromoba
Mathematical hybrid models for image segmentation., Carlos M. Paniagua Mejia
Dietary resource utilization patterns and head morphology among three sympatric watersnake species., Micah Warren Perkins
Stories of single mothers : narrating the sociomaterial mechanisms of community literacy., Kathryn Elizabeth Perry
Approaches to arthropod conservation : landscape genetics, community assessment, and prediction of extinction risk., Victoria Annette Prescott
Distress, circadian rhythms, immunity, and survival in presurgical breast cancer patients., Whitney Nicole Rebholz
A culturally-sensitive cognitive model of worry in African American youth., Allyn Elizabeth Richards
New game+, Bobby Rich
A collection of inventions : radio, reeducation, and the postwar German public sphere., James Rooney
Framing bottled water : an analysis of the framing contest between the anti-bottled water movement and the bottled water industry., Eileen Schuhmann
Modern megachurch organization in the United States (2005-2013) : an exploratory organizational study of the American megachurch phenomenon., Robert Lee Shelby Jr.
Same-sex child molestation within the Boy Scouts of America initiation and termination in victim narratives., Leah Catherine Jihee Shon
La Minga as a model of food justice? : a thesis on the motivations and practices of immigrant and native-citizen growers at La Minga cooperative farm in Prospect, Ky., Tyler Austin Short
Identification and characterization of genes involved in metabolism of n5 monoene precursors to n5 anacardic acids in the trichomes of Pelargonium x hortorum., Richa A. Singhal
Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, and the collapse of "surrealist photography"., Elizabeth Ann Driscoll Smith
Top Drawer : 150 years of Bittners in theory and practice., Wesley Elizabeth Spencer
This sleep of reason., Brit Thompson
The Casamance conflict : un-imagining a community., Sandra Tombe
Structure, spending, and democracy : a study of municipal governments., Neal McIntyre Turpin
The available means of imagination : personal narrative, public rhetoric, and circulation., Stephanie D. Weaver
Detecting evidence of systemic inflammation from osteological markers in the Indian Knoll population of Ohio county, Kentucky., Krysta Wilham
Amused teachers and public readers : empathy and derision in "student blooper" collections., Jessica Winck
Imagining the Nigerian nation through the West African pilot 1960-1966., David Zintak
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Sisters of the Mississippi struggle : examining the contributions by women to the fight for voting equality in Mississippi in the early 1960s., Morgan Ackerman, 1980-
Community characteristics associated with local intergovernmental cooperation., Sarin Adhikari
The impact of victimization on the disabled., Derek James Allen
Do hydrocarbon and salinity disturbance affect marine meiofauna diversity and community structure?, Kyle Edward Anderson
Effects of amplitude modulation on sound localization in reverberant environments., Paul W. Anderson
Language difference and expansive learning : negotiating concepts, contexts, and identities in writing-related transfer studies., Megan Jeanne Bardolph
Mapping debris-covered glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru : an object-based image analysis approach., Donald J. Biddle
Conflicted tourism : heritage narratives, sectarian schism, and economic growth in Northern Ireland., Ashleigh Larissa Bixby
Doing time by conceiving space : the rhetorical cartographies of imprisoned writers., Benjamin Bogart
Awareness of executive functioning as a diagnostic tool for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease., Jeremy Stark Carmasin
William Faulkner and alcoholism : distilling facts and fictions., Quintin Thomas Chipley 1956-
Capital? child rape : does public opinion support the use of the death penalty on child rapists?, Charlene Kaye Chudacoff 1987-
The evolution and ecology of individual specializations amongst a group of dietary generalists., Carl S. Cloyed
The love that refuses to speak its name : examining queerbaiting and fan-producer interactions in fan cultures., Cassandra M. Collier,
High-precision time-series photometry for the discovery and characterization of transiting exoplanets., Karen Alicia Collins 1962-
Support partners of registered sex offenders : exploring their experiences, identities, and perceptions., David Patrick Connor
Atmospheric nitrogen assimilation in Ustilago maydis., Michael Cooper
Canterbury and the crown : how the personal relationships between Tudor monarchs and their Archbishop of Canterbury affected the Church in England., Mary Alexandra Covington
Temporal information processing across primary visual cortical layers in normal and red light reared tree shrews., Wenhao Dang
Adapting to Eda : embracing change and acting accordingly., Tia LeShaun Davis 1989-
Sex offenses at Protestant Christian churches : a typology and examination using social disorganization theory., Andrew Stephen Denney
Dietary carotenoids and the complex role of redness in the behavior of the firemouth cichlid Thorichthys meeki., Sarah Anne Fauque
Intimate partner psychological abuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms : the role of shame during recall of psychological abuse memories., Kimberly N. Fleming
Order automorphisms on the lattice of residuated maps of some special nondistributive lattices., Erika D. Foreman
Youth graffiti vandalism : liminal perspectives in the light of masculinity, social contract theory and transformative process., Alton C. Frabetti
Educational excellence through dual degrees : using Symbolic Convergence Theory to make it happen here., Stephanie Ann French
Testing the chronic care model for depression in homebound older adults., Brittney Rose Getz
Effects of different agricultural management systems on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity, community structure, and ecosystem services., Charles Bradford Gottshall
Food safety : analyzing the connection between government and industrial influence., Jennifer Lee Hall 1983-
The tools of one-handed Zen : Hakuin Ekaku's technological and artistic charisma., Brandon James Harwood 1982-
Provisions of labor : prehistoric evidence for economic behavior at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico., David Alan Hoefer 1959-
More than "moon gold and marbles" : rationalization, reform, and the transformation of the American circus, 1900-1940., Matt Holdzkom 1981-
Strong quota pair systems and May's theorem on median semilattices., Lucas Hoots
A study of the catalytic and chemical properties of palladium and palladium-silver monolayer protected clusters., Luther Benjamin Hutcherson
Next-gen transcriptomics reveals variable gene expression in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia K279A when grown in co-culture with Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2192., David Jensen 1984-
"What role we, as Negro youth of America, could play" : a new history of the Louisville NAACP youth, 1937-1955., Alexis Monique Johnson
Building castles in the air : a discussion of the architectonic language of thought and the limits of postmodernism., Monica Krupinski
Sulfur-oxidation enhances nitrile hydration in bioinspired ruthenium complexes : catalytic, kinetic, and DFT investigations., Davinder Kumar
Judges' perceptions of sex offender registration, community notification, and residency restrictions., Lauren Nicole Lennon
The local Cygnus cold cloud and further constraints on a local hot bubble., Geoffrey Robert Lentner
Trapped in the Tiebout model : the impact of federal affordable housing programs on migration of wealthier residents., Yu-Chih Lin
The citizen police academy : rational myths, legitimization, and emotion work : the effects of emotion on acceptance of rational myths., Michael Wayne Littrell
Application of surface chemistry at the interface of mesoporous TiO2 films for stable and high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells., Tulashi Luitel
An unnamed God., Luke Cash Mansfield
The unique electrochemical reactivity of small metal nanoparticles., Rafael A. Masitas
The process of curating Trace of a Body : creating relationships and building experiences., Bailey Marie Mazik 1990-