This collection includes theses and dissertations from the College of Arts and Sciences. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Spreading speeds and traveling waves in some population models., Quancheng Meng
Chaos in semiflows., Chad Money
Plant community responses to invasive shrub and vine removal in an urban park woodland., Eric Richard Moore
A day in the life : identity communication at the intersection of race, gender, and sexual orientation., Mary C. Mudd
An electronic theory of democracy : house members on their computers., Doug Murdoch
"If we don't talk about it, they'll never go away" : an examination of the experiences of and reactions to stigma by a diverse population of adoptive parents in the United States., Jessica Rae Newton
The being of art and the art of being : hermeneutic ontology in Gadamer and Woolf., Adam Noland,
Metabolic profiles of household Pseudomonas species groups., Ogochukwu S. Onyiri
Examining macro-level correlates of farm equipment theft : a test of routine activity theory and social disorganization theory., Dustin Lee Osborne
Traces of the hand., Molly F. Passafiume 1989-
Mediation in literacy : language, technology, and modality., Hem Sharma Paudel
Impact of urban factors and invasive species on white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) habitat use and foraging behavior in an urban forest park., William Persons
A culturally-sensitive model of the development of child anxiety., Jenny Marie Petrie
Displacement : a reckoning of internal affairs : curatorial practice following artist praxis., Stacey Reason 1987-
Another collateral consequence? : examining homeless shelters policies on sex offenders across four states., Shawn M. Rolfe
Knocking on the door : police decision points in executing search warrants., Brian Patrick Schaefer
Corporate history and curatorial practice at Buffalo Trace distillery., Stephanie Rose Schmidt
#SayItLoud : securing racial & academic identities for African American students through social media., Joshua Chase Schuschke
What we see changes how we see : analyzing the plasticity of the horizontal effect., April Marie Schweinhart
Body image., Emma Sharps 1989-
The Czech-Egyptian arms deal of 1955 : a turning point in Middle Eastern Cold War history., Thomas Michael Shaughnessy Skaggs
The pedagogy of medical humanities : using literature and the visual arts to help future caregivers maintain their compassion and resilience., Lisa Higgins Shugoll
A few good men and women : the rhetorical constitution of military personnel identity., Ashly Bender Smith
Improved self-consistency for SCED-LCAO., Lyle C. Smith
An ethnographic study of scrappers and metal thieves., Benjamin Fred Stickle
Recreating the green-eyed monster : Iago for modern audiences., Travis Stolp
The neuropsychological profile of older adult musicians and non-musicians : implications for cognitive reserve in late life., Jessica Vemich Strong,
The PC-Tree algorithm, Kuratowski subdivisions, and the torus., Charles J. Suer
Iconoclastic fervor : Sally Hazelet Drummond, abstract expressionism and curatorial practice., Hillary Sullivan
Phosphinimine zinc complexes and neutral phosphinimines for ring opening polymerization of lactides., Rajesh Thapa
The de-feminization of femininity : exploratory content analysis of gay male fashion magazines., Christopher J. Vincent
Racial profiling : using propensity score matching to examine focal concerns theory., Anthony Gennaro Vito
Mathematical studies of the glucose-insulin regulatory system models., Minghu Wang
Contentious spaces : a comparative analysis of Latin American resistance campaigns, 1956-2006., Sean Lee Welch
Analysis of anacardic acid on the surface of Pelargonium × hortorum using matrix assisted laser desorptoin ionization mass spectrometry imaging., Bryan Edward Wessel 1989-
Places in the polity of rhetoric : topoi, evolution, and the fragmentation of discourse., Benjamin James Bickel Wetherbee
Pregnancy and performance : rights to the unveiling., Takayla Justina Williams
Hidden sites of 'first-year' composition : what do we mean when we say 'AP'? : the diversity of practices in AP English language and composition courses., Hollye Nicole Wright
Globalization and inter-local cooperation : the mediating roles of local contexts in the global North and South., Eric Yankson
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Housing first, neighborhood second? : the role of housing and neighborhood characteristics on residential stability in two housing first projects., Carey D. Addison
Critical thinking structures for business ethics., Brian G. Barnes
Natures and wars : neoliberal discourse and the contested future of east Kentucky., Shelly Annette Biesel 1986-
Acyclic and indifference-transitive collective choice functions., Katey Bjurstrom
An analysis of the potential effects of urbanization on the water quality of the middle fork of Beargrass Creek, Louisville, Kentucky., Olivia Brooks
Corn cantos., John E. Burgett
A case study of the early institutionalization process of a restorative justice social movement organization., Brittany Buttry-Watson
Mobilizing modernist magazines : Peter Sloterdijk and the Transatlantic review., Daniel Lee Conrad
Academics and activism : a comparative study of contemporary historical writings on same-sex sexuality and LGBT activists in the Middle East., Lauren Copeland
Public art in urban parks., Taylor Crush, 1990-
Greening Louisville's East Market District : A comparative assessment of sustainability., Ashley O. Dale
Analysis of social costs of gentrification in Over-the-Rhine : a qualitative approach., Shireen Deobhakta
Development of sulfur cathode material for Li-S batteries., Ruchira Ravinath Dharmasena
Against the grain : the challenges of black discourse within intercollegiate policy debate., Tiffany Yvonne Dillard-Knox
Textiles and meaning in the lais Guigemar, Lanval, and Laustic of Marie de France., Leslie Dingeldein 1989-
The formation of a sacred political site : the birthplace of Mao Zedong at Shaoshan, Zhe Dong 1988-
Measuring mindful interoception : development of the mindful interoception sampling task (MIST)., Samuel J. Dreeben
Unnatural pedagogy : a computational analysis of children's learning to learn from other people., Baxter S. Eaves 1984-
Broadband infrastructure in the 21st century : an evaluation of local outcomes and conditions., Chad Stephen Foster
Retinal synaptic function in the absence of the on pathway., Kathryn Marie Heath Fransen
Walking to my death : an actor's journey., David Elliot Galloway 1987-
Taking clinical judgment out of the equation : a call for the standardization of MCI diagnostic criteria and construction of a model to predict conversion to dementia., Adam Tyler Gerstenecker
The use of variable-bagging and the cross-validation selector in the prediction of alzheimer’s using the adni database., Michael Wayne Godbey
Transboundary groundwater and unsustainable practices of water governance in the Guarani Aquifer : The case of the province of Misiones., Paula Carolina Gomez 1974-
Undoings : reversals and dissolutions of binaries in the narrative films of Peter Greenaway., Kristina Sue Bohleber Groves 1978-
Not even or pretty : improvisational textiles from recycled clothing., Karen Anne Habeeb 1974-
"They had no key that would fit my mouth" : women's struggles with cultural constructions of madness in Victorian and modern England and America., Leslie Ann Harper
Yours, mine, and ours : confronting the originality burden through remix and intertextuality., Barrie Olson Harvey
The healing process : finding oneself through character., Jody-Ann Peta-Gay Henry
"My watch begins" : identification and procedural rhetoric on second screens and social networks., K. Shannon Howard
Several functional equations defined on groups arising from stochastic distance measures., Heather B. Hunt
Assessing urban freeway deconstruction : a survey of 21 cities with case studies of San Francisco and Milwaukee., Doddy Aditya Iskandar
Servants of my people first : an examination of the political literacies of the Black Liberation Front International (BLFI), 1969-1973., Joilynn Karega-Mason
The language politics of doctoral studies in rhetoric and composition : toward a translingual revision of graduate education in the field., Carrie Byars Kilfoil
Hugh Haynie and the art of opinion : examining history, memory and controversy in museum exhibitions and interpretation., Jessica Bennett Kincaid
Triggered release of small molecules from solid supports using heat or an applied magnetic field., Ralph Jacob Knipp
Mechanistic insights and functionalization of alkynes in homogeneous gold catalysis., Manish Kumar
Globalizing literacies and identities : translingual and transcultural literacy practices of Bhutanese refugees in the U.S., Tika R. Lamsal
Prankster questionaire., Matthew Landan 1972-
A magical country : stories from Appalachia., James Eric Leary 1977-
Girls with guns : the disarmament and demobilization of female ex-combatants in Africa., Emily Katherine Maiden
Expanding the frontier of gold-catalyzed cyclizations and rational ligand design., Deepika Malhotra
The Roman army in fourth-century CE Egypt., Jon Bruce Manley 1988-
Historic preservation in Quito, Ecuador : tangible and intangible heritage., Meredith Alison Maple
Invasive plants as drivers and passengers of community change in a disturbed urban forest., Jeffery A. Masters
Aminooxy reagents in nanomedicine and bioanalysis., Stephanie Mattingly
Informal college study groups : gender and group homophily., Brandon Scott McReynolds
The walkable dividend : the impacts of walkability on housing and socio-economic composition in Louisville, Ky., Wesley Laurance Meares
Composing college and career : mobility, complexity and agency at the nexus of high school, college and work., Brice Nordquist
The Tempest defending Prospera : the ideation of spiritual lineage and practice in performance for an Afro-Haitian American actor., Iva-Kristi Maria Papailler
Functional equations with involution related to sine and cosine functions., Allison Perkins
Earthworm, microbial biomass, and leaf litter decay responses after invasive honeysuckle shrub removal from urban woodlands., Robert Preston Pipal
Down comes the mountain : coal mining and health in central Appalachia from 2000 to 2010., James Kent Pugh
Reclaiming my body : black women and the fight for reproductive justice., Shelby Ray Pumphrey
Ligand centered reactivity of metal stabilized thiyl radicals in solution, solid and gaseous phase., Rajat Rajat