This collection includes theses and dissertations from the College of Education & Human Development. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
An exploratory study of first-semester student attrition in a community college., Ophelia Turner Scott 1953-
School-based decision making (SBDM) councils and their efficacy and productivity as perceived by council members., Shawna Shrout Stenton 1976-
Teaching efficacy, innovation, school culture and teacher risk taking., Margaret Elizabeth Taylor
Factors affecting nurse educators' decision to teach., Linda J. Thomas 1946-
Leadership, curriculum, instruction, and accountability scores : evidence from Kentucky scholastic audits., Rebecca Curry Todd
Longitudinal predictors of disciplinary alternative school placement and the risk of subsequent juvenile detention in a cohort of third grade children., Judi Elisa Vanderhaar
Systemic and strength effects : experimental concentrations of topical menthol., Lee Jordan Winchester 1984-
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) : a test of the meaning making model of coping., Erica Adams
Oral status of residents of long-term care facilities in Kentucky., Lynn Donnelly Austin
The study of predictive factors of reading in low-performing readers in an urban setting., Reginald L. Caldwell
The effect of teacher leader interactions with teachers on student achievement: a predictive study., Winifred Riney Cohron
Concerns and perceptions of faculty using Web-based instructional technology., Elizabeth Romero Fuerte
Teachers valuation and implementation of formative assessment strategies in elementary science classrooms., Pamela M. Jett
Volunteer entry into hospital culture : relationships among socialization, P-O fit, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction., Tricia Ann Jordan 1969-
Distance education policy : a study of the SREB faculty support policy construct at four virtual college and university consortia., Kathleen A. MacKenzie
Determinants of alumni membership in a dues-based alumni association., Melissa Dawn Newman 1979-
Teacher attitudes toward inclusion and the impact of teacher and school variables., Karla R. Stauble
Life as a sober citizen : Aldo Leopold's Wildlife Ecology 118., Nancy Stearns Theiss
Religiosity, beliefs about mental illness, and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help among Protestant Christians., Juan Michael Thompson
Workplace incivility : relationship with conflict management styles and impact on perceived job performance, organizational commitment and turnover., Jeannie Trudel 1964-
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Experiences influencing degree completion articulated by doctoral students in education administration., David Lee Barnett
Rural-urban residency, treatment motivation, and health status as factors related to dropout from correctional substance abuse treatment : a policy perspective., Christopher G. Block
Principal theories of practice : mapping the cognitive structure and effects of instructional leadership, Gary W. Houchens
Effects of glutamine supplementation on maximal performance and recovery from high-intensity exercise., Mandy Lynn Jacobs
High school boys' basketball and the social structure of suburban, rural, and urban high school communities : a comparative case study., Jason K. Miller
Job satisfaction levels of juvenile detention education faculties and the implementation of best teaching practices compared to overall program efficacy., Rebecca Minton Painter 1958-
Ideological influence on higher education : progressivism versus conservatism., Anthony W. Robinson 1972-
Acculturation and school adapation of Somali Bantu refugee children., Manbeena Sekhon
Organizational culture, workplace incivility, and turnover : the impact of human resources practices., Dana Cosby Simmons 1969-
A comparison of faculty and administrator perceptions of the merger of Kentucky's community colleges and vocational/technical institutes., Jason Douglas Warren
Teachers' perceptions of the costs and benefits of sitting on a school-based decision-making committee., Jennefer Pollio Woods 1948-
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
An exploration of defensive pessimism, explanatory style, and expectations in relation to the academic performance of college and university students., Scott Richard Berry
Effects of state tests in Ohio on assessment practices in mathematics education., Brian Thomas Boyd
Examining the empirical impact of teacher pupil control ideology on student outcomes : the classroom perspective., Michael M. Brame
A cross national validation of child sexual abuse predictors., Juanita E. Briceno-Perriott
Encountering stereotype threat in the workplace : how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees meet the challenge of negative stereotyping., Gary M. Collins
Examining fairness perceptions of financial resource allocations in United States Olympic sport., Stephen W. Dittmore 1968-
The learner in the learning environment : a multiple-case study of nursing students in the hospital clinical setting., Rhonda Stuart Helm 1951-
The effects of psychological and biological gender on gender role conflict and mental health of gay and lesbian individuals., Kevin James Herdman 1969-
Instructor perceptions of student learning in secondary and postsecondary algebra classes., Jane Ann Houseman Jones 1940-
A study of relationships of school climate, school culture, teacher efficacy, collective efficacy, teacher job satisfaction and intent to turnover in the context of year-round education calendars., Joseph W. Mattingly 1953-
Leadership, curriculum, instruction, and accountability scores : evidence from Kentucky scholastic audits., Lonnie E. McKinney 1950-
The effects of transition intervention on students with mild disabilities., Yvonne Anton Kelley Niemann 1939-
Using Schlossberg's transition theory to identify coping strategies of welfare recipients attending postsecondary institutions., Kathy J. Pendleton 1949-
Motivation and attitude of preservice elementary teachers toward mathematics : is rural revevant?, Christine Ankrom Perry
International student-athlete perception of college sport and its effect on adjustment to college., Nels Popp
Group difference in psychosocial development of undergraduate students., Charles Louis Pride 1964-
Mentoring African American men : a study of job satisfaction and organizational commitment., Davis Marvin Robinson
School counselor perceptions and competencies for closing the achievement gap : implications for counselor and higher education programs for all educators., Susan Rardon Rose
Science inquiry learning environments created by national board certified teachers., Jon Saderholm
Effects of evaluative feedback on math self-efficacy, grade self-efficacy, and math achievement of ninth grade algebra students : a longitudinal approach., Deborah June Burnett Thompson
New teacher job satisfaction : effects of general job facets and teacher job specific facets., Aimee G. Webb
State political culture and the affordability of higher education : a multivariate analysis of the impact of state higher education boards on the cost of attending college., Sara Elizabeth Yount
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Effects of training on postprandial flow mediated dilation., Kevin David Ballard
Effective teaching of African American students who receive special education services., Nancy Stone Bealmear
An examination of social presence in an online learning environment., Susan J. Crim
Predictors of persistence in distance education., Jennifer R. Hammond 1975-
Individual and situational factors affecting transfer of training in a call center environment., Eric Travis Hicks
The acute effects of dynamic and ballistic stretching on vertical jump height, force, and power., Jason Reed Jaggers
Does culture matter? : Exploring the relationships among parenting a child with disabilities, cultural identification, and stress in a group of European American and immigrant Latino families, Ximena P. Suarez-Sousa
Using the Theory of Reasoned Action to examine the gambling behaviors of college athletes and other students., Robert Gene Thrasher
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
All-boy mathematics classes in middle school., Amanda Neel Davis
Disciplining P-12 public school personnel for off-duty conduct : an analysis of the judicial response., Ruth Louise Davison 1965-
Preparing teachers for diversity : a study of two university teacher education programs in Indiana., Vella Goebel 1947-
Factors impacting development time for online postsecondary instruction., Karen Hughes Miller 1945-
Comorbidity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and gender with internalizing and externalizing symptoms., Anna Louise Peterson
Business faculty recruitment : effects of annual salary and health benefits plan., Glenn Rodriguez
Perceptions of efficacy of minority and non-minority school-based decision-making council members in Kentucky's region 1 and region 2 school systems., Anthony Ray Sanders
Relationships among demographic variables, organizational culture, interpersonal self-efficacy and perceived job performance., Maria D. Vasquez-Colina
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Factors influencing the willingness to mentor female campus recreation professionals., Glenna G. Bower
Indicators of community receptivity to international service-learning programs., Henry R. Cunningham
Family literacy—predictors of program participation and goal attainment in Kentucky., Zelma Renae Stewart Harrison
An empirical investigation of factors influencing teacher attraction to a career as school counselor., Beverly Cox Keepers 1948-
Frequency of RAD diagnosis and attachment disorder in community mental health agency clients., Paula S. Morgan 1958-
Employees' perceptions of barriers in e-Learning : the relationship among barriers, demographics, and e-Learning self-efficacy., Penina Mungania 1974-
Cases of university faculty conceptions and practices of teaching, assessment and action research., Carol Dianne Raubenheimer 1959-
A comparison of brief, single sessions of physical activity and relaxation/meditation on affective responses of female undergraduates., Paul Gregory Salmon 1948-
The interrelationships of parent rural values, parent religiosity, parent involvement, and student outcomes in a small, southern, rural middle school., E. Carolyn Tucker 1949-
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Factors that predict student performance in dual credit courses in Kentucky community and technical colleges., Nicholas L. Brake
The influence of teachers' efficacy and beliefs on mathematics instruction in the early childhood classroom., Elizabeth Todd Brown 1948-
State political culture and the affordability of higher education : a multivariate analysis of the impact of state higher education systems on the cost of attending college., Angela Perkins Girdley 1964-
A comparative analysis of mentoring as a socializing strategy among law faculty., Ray Kennard Haynes 1963-
An exploration of the influence of demographic factors on individual and aggregate student achievement measurements in the Kentucky accountability system., Beverly Lee Derrington Moore 1938-
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Working class and working college : a case study of first generation, working class, first year, white male college students., Robert Michael Longwell-Grice 1955-
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
A comparison of the characteristics of gardeners, their motivations for gardening and management practices of Blackacre Community Garden and Limerick Community Garden in Jefferson County, Kentucky., Robin Oxnard Grossman 1974-
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The principal as minister : a reflective study of the prophetic and pastoral components of the principalship., Janet McWilliams Calvert 1948-
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Part-time faculty satisfaction and reward systems., William E. Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
A history of Kentucky Home School for Girls from 1863 to 1913., Florence Whiteley Dickerson
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
A comparison of the responses of students and teachers concerning what was taught in high school senior English., Beatrice Lewis Reynolds
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
The relationship of social-emotional readiness to learning achievement as seen in a first grade class at Prestonia School., Bernice Gabbert Cox
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
A handbook for the teaching of play production in the secondary schools., Cassie Avel Blankenbaker
A study of human relations in the fifth grade in I.N. Bloom School., Mildred Hargraves Bott
Meeting the mental health needs of a class through an experience curriculum., Olga M. Clarke
The inter-relation of school and community as seen in Fern Creek High School District, Jefferson County, Kentucky., Jack Dawson
A study of a fourth grade class., Virginia Lee Melone
The acceptance and social adjustment of a third grade group in Louisville, Kentucky., Aileen T. Presnell
A visual study of one year's activities of the Auburndale Graded School, Jefferson County, Kentucky., Bertha Trunnell
Adair, then and now : an example of cooperation between school and community as seen in the Adair School District (Elementary School No. 78-2) Jefferson County, Kentucky., Emma Nisbet Whalin 1900-1960