This collection includes theses and dissertations from the College of Education & Human Development. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
History of public education in Jeffersonville, Indiana., C. C. Callahan
Work of the visiting teacher in the schools of Louisville, Kentucky., Mary Seiler Clegg
A case study and the justification of a unit-type program., Maxine D. Fruchtenicht
A study of the reading of fifty teachers of Louisville and Jefferson County during the year of 1947-1948., Glenn Gray
Experiences to develop creativeness in the language arts in the fourth grade., Dorothy R. Harris
The present day guidance program in the county school system of Jefferson County, Kentucky., Mattye Belle Reid
Suggestions for junior high school teachers in utilizing the visit of the Freedom Train as an experience in teaching social studies., Mildred Tibbits
The inter-relationship of school and community as shown in Cane Run School (Elementary School No. 34) Jefferson County, Kentucky., Sara Belle Wellington
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
Fellow Americans : source material for a unit on Brazil with emphasis on the region surrounding the Amazon River., Henrietta Frances Alpiger
Coeducation in the secondary schools., Agnes Borgman
A study of the academic success of veteran former probation students in the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of Louisville., Rollin E. Godfrey
Enriching the fifth grade unit, "The Ohio Valley," by excursions in the city of Louisville., Frances P. Moore
Education for family living., Dorothy Moran
Present day elementary school practices in reporting pupil progress to parents., Dorothy Sternberg
Theses/Dissertations from 1946
Case studies of normal sixth grade pupils., Genevieve M. Cowan
A textbook in vocational guidance for senior high school., Ervin Winfred Detjen 1906-
A textbook in educational guidance for senior high school., Mary Ford Detjen 1904-
A proposed course of study in general science for ninth grade in Louisville schools., Claude Harold Hughes
A study of the trends and issues in the administration of mentally-retarded children in the elementary schools in a series of cities., Elizabeth Veronica Sullivan
The opportunity class of the Mary D. Hill School., Gladys E. Wyatt
Theses/Dissertations from 1945
Guidance through the curriculum in the elementary school., Jewell Marie Brown
A descriptive study of the guidance services in operation at two secondary schools of Louisville, Kentucky., Mary Edna Brown
A study of the academic success of Group Three in Halleck Hall Junior High School., Irene T. Hughes
Theses/Dissertations from 1944
A study of the academic success of elementary pupils during their first year in Highland Junior High School., Esther Barth
Under the blazing sun : a unit of work in social studies for the fourth grade., Virginia H. Franklyn
Home instruction for physically handicapped white children in Louisville, Kentucky 1939-1940 to 1943-1944, inclusive., Caroline Finzer Gray
A study of the history of adult elementary and secondary education and possibilities for future service in Louisville, Kentucky., Flora L. Morris
A study of the failures in the 6A grades of Louisville, Kentucky, for the year 1941-1942., Lena Ruth Towles 1905-1966
A comparative study of a group of institutional and private home children in a public school., Mary Virginia Witt
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
An investigation into the need and the use of patriotic holiday reading material in the primary grades., Mary Walker Barnard 1906-1996
Present practices in testing deaf children., Mary Dillon Guilmartin 1893-1971
Some phases of pioneer education on the Kentucky frontier with emphasis on Nelson County, 1785-1860., Wenonah Maraman
Home backgrounds of pupils in X school., Sophie Meyers
A group guidance course for grades 7B, 8A, 9B, and 9A in the Highland Junior High School in Louisville, Kentucky., Marguerite Reasor
Art in dress : a unit of work., Berta Warner
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
The history of the Louisville public elementary schools, 1829-1860., Helen Borgman
A study of visiting teacher work at the Highland Junior High School for the school year 1940-1941., Mary C. Newman
A survey of the audio-visual aids being used by the Louisville white fourth, fifth, and sixth grade teachers., Olga Schmutz
A study of the origin and development of the Theodore Ahrens Trade School of Kentucky., Norma Eugene Theisen
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
A study of the George W. Morris School and community with emphasis upon the personnel work of the school., Naomi Peak
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
Mexican readers as instruments of the socialistic program, Anita Jauckens
Investigations on whole-part learning from 1930 through 1939., Agnes Catherine Lemaire
Theses/Dissertations from 1939
A study of student participation in school government and activities in Louisville Junior High School and Louisville Girls High School., Margaret S. Bennett
A classroom illumination study of the public school system of Jeffersonville, Indiana., Ross Graham
The sixth grade supplementary history text : educational standards and the extent to which five books meet these requirements., Mabel MacDonald Schrodt
A unit of work in folklore for secondary schools with a sampling of Hoosier folklore., Margaret Sweeney
Theses/Dissertations from 1938
The relation between the intelligence and achievement of pupils grouped by parental occupations., Miriam Elizabeth Heymann 1909-1999
Theses/Dissertations from 1937
Considerations that might influence the teaching of elementary Spanish., Edgar Fernando Hudkins
The seventh-grade arithmetic textbook and modern educational thought., Adele Hunckler 1904-1997
A comparative study of the treatment of the American Revolution of 1776 in some secondary school history textbooks used currently in England and in the United States of America., Louise Shelley Powell
The teaching of mathematics in the junior high schools of Kentucky., Frank Hall Stallings 1909-1995
Theses/Dissertations from 1936
Some evidence of the interests of eighth grade children in the materials of science., Cora B. Burlingame 1872-1958
A record and evaluation of changes in the College of the University of Louisville, September 1930 to June 1935., Lily Elsie Detchen 1910-2002
The value of the I. Q. and teachers' marks in certain high school subjects for predicting teachers' marks in stenography., Margaret Ellen Heil
Theses/Dissertations from 1935
An activity program in an elementary school., Bessie Terrell Meyer 1890-1988
Theses/Dissertations from 1934
A study of manuals for teachers., Alice Corwin
Theses/Dissertations from 1933
Theses/Dissertations from 1932
The effects of a special technique upon rate and comprehension in teaching silent reading., S. Harlan Vogt
Theses/Dissertations from 1925
Philippine education prior to Magellan., Morris Uberta Lively
Theses/Dissertations from 1922
Joseph Neef : Pestalozzian pioneer in America., Ruth Lee Koch