Journal of Student Financial Aid

Volume 50, Issue 3 (2021)
Research Articles
The North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program: A Case Study of the Use of Forgivable Loans in Recruiting Future STEM Teachers
Katie N. Smith
Who do College Students Turn to for Financial Aid and Student Loan Advice, and is it Advice Worth Following?
Casandra E. Harper, Lisa Scheese, Enyu Zhou, and Rajeev Darolia
The Role of Student Debt and Debt Anxiety in College Student Financial Well-Being
Jill M. Norvilitis and Braden K. Linn
Hidden Inequality: Financial Aid Information Available to College Students with Disabilities Attending Public Four-Year Institutions
Emily L. Perlow, Ryan S. Wells, Mujtaba Hedayet, Jenny Xia, Heather MacLean, Emily Ding, and Angela McCall
Financial Knowledge or Financial Situations? Toward Understanding Why Some College Students Use Credit Cards to Pay for College Tuition
Benjamin D. Andrews
Research Brief