This collection includes theses and dissertations from the J.B. Speed School of Engineering. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 (Master of Engineering, prior to 2005) can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Horse racing prediction using graph-based features., Mehmet Akif Gulum
Low temperature desiccants in atmospheric water generation., Sunil Gupta
Restoring cholesterol homeostasis in familial hypercholesterolemia cell line model, Lubna Hindi
The effectiveness of localized ultrasound and aptamer surface modification on nanoemulsions for drug delivery to spheroids., Daniel A. Hodge
Material-process-property relationships of 17-4 stainless steel fabricated by laser-powder bed fusion followed by hot isostatic pressing., Harish Irrinki
Phase unwrapping of 4D-flow MRI data with graph cuts., Andrew Justice
Maintainability analysis of mining trucks with data analytics., Abdulgani Kahraman
Modeling and simulation methodologies for spinal cord stimulation., Saliya Kumara Kirigeeganage
Multi self-adapting particle swarm optimization algorithm (MSAPSO)., Gerhard Koch
Vertical gallium nitride schottky diodes for power switching applications., Sowmya Kolli
Characterization of microreactor and analysis of carbonyl compounds in exhaled breath., Qi Li
Designing interactive virtual environments with feedback in health applications., Yi Li
Detection of trace tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) through surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) on microfabricated platforms, Jack T Lockard
Spam elimination and bias correction : ensuring label quality in crowdsourced tasks., Lingyu Lyu
A framework for cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) scene retrieval from medical simulation videos based on object and activity detection., Anju Panicker Madhusoodhanan Sathik
Investigating the likelihood of pediatric femur fracture due to falls through finite element analysis., Keyonna McKinsey
Binder jetting additive manufacturing process fundamentals and the resultant influences on part quality., Hadi Miyanaji
Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of metal additive manufacturing., Venkata Karthik Nadimpalli
Process-property-microstructure relationships in laser-powder bed fusion of 420 stainless steel., Subrata Deb Nath
Enhancing performance of ionic liquid property prediction with molecular dynamics., Trisha H. Patel
Landmine detection using semi-supervised learning., Graham Reid
Grid-connected photovoltaic systems based on nonlinear control., Pablo R. Rivera
Region based gene expression via reanalysis of publicly available microarray data sets., Ernur Saka
Exploration of radiation damage mechanism in mems devices., Pranoy Deb Shuvra
PLGA-modified nanoparticles for the treatment of hypo-vascularized HPV-related cervical cancers., Lee B. Sims
Rotary pump speed modulation to produce pulsatile flow and ventricular volume unloading., Connor Joseph Smith
Longitudinal tracking of physiological state with electromyographic signals., Robert Warren Stallard
Machine learning for omics data analysis., Ameni Trabelsi
Robust fuzzy clustering for multiple instance regression., Mohamed Trabelsi
A novel design for a silicon and cadmium telluride tandem solar cell., Jacob A Vittitow
A 3D numerical analysis of the railway to compare the performance of the granular and asphalt trackbeds., Thammapot Wattanapanalai
Challenges in flexible microsystem manufacturing : fabrication, robotic assembly, control, and packaging., Danming Wei
The measurement of the adhesion of glaze ice., Andrew Hardesty Work Jr.
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Accurate and justifiable : new algorithms for explainable recommendations., Behnoush Abdollahi
Development of a directional bone reaming system., Richard J Ackermann
A data science pipeline for educational data : a case study using learning catalytics in the active learning classroom., Asuman Cagla Acun Sener
A smart highway work zone merge system enabled by connected vehicles., Abdulmaged Algomaiah
Piezoelectric bistable buckled beam energy harvester., Brian Edward Allgeier
Uncovering exceptional predictions using exploratory analysis of second stage machine learning., Aneseh Alvanpour
Peeking into the other half of the glass : handling polarization in recommender systems., Mahsa Badami
Material properties design using simulations and experiments for powder injection molding of lead zirconate titanate (PZT)., Bhushan Pramod Bandiwadekar
Applications of polarized metallic nanostructures., Jasmin Beharic
A multi-period facility location model for service organizations operating in a competitive environment., Sven W. Brose
Development and evaluation of a biocompatible electroactive sensor for continuous blood pressure measurement., Scott D. Cambron
Investigation of lattice structures and analysis of strut geometry., Zachary D Denzik
A novel MRA-based framework for the detection of changes in cerebrovascular blood pressure., Yitzhak Atakilt Gebru
Cationic surfactant modification and its impact on the engineering behaviors of montmorillonite., Mohammad Ghavami
Numerical investigation of drop impingement on dry and wet surfaces., Yisen Guo
Performance analysis of organizations as complex systems., William C. Harrington Jr.
Testing and modeling of the thixotropic behavior of cementitious materials., Bashir Hasanzadeh
Towards a cost-effective biorefinery : production of activated carbons from residual biomass for energy storage devices., Zachary Dean Herde
Engineering applications of organic surfactant modified bentonite in sorptive soil barriers., Sadra Javadi
Effect of high cationic flocculant on anaerobic digestion of municipal wastewater., Prathap D. John
Data driven discovery of materials properties., Fadoua Khmaissia
Observation and estimation study for sensorless control of linear vapor compressors., Joseph Latham
Novel processing approaches for thin film solar and related technologies., Brandon Lavery
Custom software for the 3D printing of patient specific plate bending templates in pelvic fracture repair., Gordon B Lents
Examining the effects of macrophage populations on cancerous tumor growth., Grace E. Mahlbacher
Novel III-V alloys for unassisted water splitting., Alejandro Martinez-Garcia
Investigation of influential factors on selecting an engineering major., Paige A. Miller
Developing computer vision technology to automate pitch analysis in baseball., Mahdi Moalla
Queue stability analysis in network coded wireless multicast., Nadieh Mohamadi-Moghadam
Control of power electronic interfaces in distributed generation., Mohammad Mohebbi
Development and degradation analysis of novel micro and nanostructured transition metal oxide (TMO) anodes for aqueous sodium ion batteries., Santanu Mukherjee
Authorship identification of translation algorithms., Keishin Nishiyama
A framework for clustering and adaptive topic tracking on evolving text and social media data streams., Gopi Chand Nutakki
Biomechanical testing of an exercise for strengthening the proximal femur., Alyssa Osbourne
A novel approach to assess minimally invasive surgical device failure utilizing adverse event outcome severity and design complexity., Marie K. Riggs
An interactive interface for nursing robots., Ankita Sahu
Dynamic adversarial mining - effectively applying machine learning in adversarial non-stationary environments., Tegjyot Singh Sethi
Vehicle make and model recognition for intelligent transportation monitoring and surveillance., Faezeh Tafazzoli
A performance and visualization study on inlet geometries of a cross-flow fan., Yoel Tanquero
A comparison of mean age theory and residence time distributions in mixed systems., Nolan Theaker
Using a multi variate pattern analysis (MVPA) approach to decode FMRI responses to fear and anxiety., Sajjad Torabian Esfahani
Fused filament fabrication 3D printing using low-melting alloys., Nirupama Warrier
The effect of role assignment and personality subtypes in simulation on critical thinking development, situation awareness, and perceived self-efficacy of nursing baccalaureate students., Dustin Travis Weiler
Electronic nose for analysis of volatile organic compounds in air and exhaled breath., Zhenzhen Xie
Fabrication and characterization of a mcro/nanofluidic platform for electroporation., Hanwen Yuan
Design, analysis, and application of a cellular material/structure model for metal based additive manufacturing process., Shanshan Zhang
A tool to evaluate sustainability of pavement maintenance projects., Yibo Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Gamma-radiation exposure alters the cardiovascular extracellular matrix., Nicholas Allen
A reduced labeled samples (RLS) framework for classification of imbalanced concept-drifting streaming data., Elaheh Arabmakki
Development and evaluation of custom prosthetic devices for a companion animal utilizing additive manufacturing., Benjamin Joseph Cahill
Efficacy of subcutaneous electrocardiogram leads for synchronous timing and aortic root cannulation for chronic counterpulsation therapy., Stephen R. Carnahan
Effect of non-uniform air-side velocity distribution on heat transfer model predictions for microchannel condenser., Zachary Chapin
Development of a novel device for ventricular assist device outflow graft anastomosis., Young Choi
The effects of ball interactions on the dynamic behavior of a ball balancer rotating at speeds above the translational resonant frequency of the system., Gregory A. Dedow
A comparative usability study of web-based personal health records., Alexandra Doggett
Conductive inks and films via intense pulsed light., Gabriel L. Draper
Green logistic network design : intermodal transportation planning and vehicle routing problems., Xiaoren Duan
Sparse feature learning for image analysis in segmentation, classification, and disease diagnosis., Ehsan Hosseini-Asl
Study of spatiotemporal rainfall structure and optimized local radar rainfall application to urban watershed, Louisville, Kentucky, 2010-2014., Jin-Young Hyun
Mechanical properties and microstructure evolution of 17-4 PH stainless steel processed by laser-powered bed fusion., Harish Irrinki