This collection includes theses and dissertations from the School of Public Health & Information Sciences. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Assessing the relationship between racism in medicine, medical mistrust and cardiovascular disease among Black American adults., Osayande Agbonlahor
Access to health care and glycemic control: The national health and nutrition examinations survey (NHANES) 2005-2018., Mohamed M. Ali
Exploring influencing factors on the adoption of non-pharmaceutical interventions during pandemics: COVID-19 as an example., Ahmed Abdulmohsen I Alobaydullah
Reimaging safety after sexual violence: A qualitative exploration of survivors' experiences with formal and informal crisis response networks., Hallie Ruth Decker
Socioecological factors associated with the timing of prenatal care initiation in Kentucky and beyond: An exploratory study., Melissa B. Eggen
How white supremacy travels through time: Anti-literacy laws, DEI bans, and the issue of Black self-determination in public health., Nicole V. Ford
Bayesian approaches in multi-state Markov models and high dimensional time-to-event data., Yuchen Han
Exploring medicaid stigma in Kentucky., Malea Hoepf Young
"They are who we thought they were": The influence of white supremacist discourse on voter suppression and black health., Tanisha Howard Lewis
Understanding carceral pathways and outcomes of marginalized adults who use drugs., Carmen Renee Mitchell
Associations of natural vegetation in relation to colorectal cancer hotspots and colorectal cancer survival., Johnnie Newton
Understanding barriers to effective and equitable COVID-19 response through the evaluation of essential needs program in Jefferson County, Ky., Haritha Pallam
Health professions education and critical action engagement: A mixed method analysis., Leonda Richardson
COVID-19 infection and mortality, patient comorbidities, social determinants of health, and environmental influences in Kentucky., Shaminul Hoque Shakib
Examining the relationship between mass incarceration, gender norms, and HIV vulnerability for formerly-incarcerated black men who have sex with men and women., Adrienne B. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Food insecurity and residential segregation among adults in the United States: the national health and nutrition examination survey 2017- March 2020 pre-pandemic data., Chandre' L. Chaney
Our story, our song: assessing and addressing black women's healthcare experiences., Jason Deakings
Postpartum depression in Jamaica: Exploring the lived experiences., Shakeyrah Elmore
An analysis of the effects of certified electronic health records on organizations and patients., Picandra Elzie
The association of long working hours and the use of prescription sedatives among U.S. workers., Emmanuel Ezekekwu
The relationships between state-level economic policies, child maltreatment, and suicidal behavior and mortality., Yana B. Feygin
Menstruation stigma: A qualitative exploratory study of the lived experiences of Nepali women., Imisha Gurung
Genetic risk scores for hypertension and chronic kidney disease in African Americans., Aastha Kakar
Adverse birth outcomes: Investigating the role of nativity and perceived racial discrimination among black mothers enrolled in Des Moines, Iowa healthy start., Kendria Kelly-Taylor
Environmental exposures and male reproductive outcomes., Damilola Rukayat Owoade
Causal inference for the effect of continuous treatment on time-to-event outcomes and mediation analysis on health disparities in observational studies., Triparna Poddar
Statistical inference on lung cancer screening using the national lung screening trial data., Farhin Rahman
Inpatient department hospital utilization among pregnant women with spinal cord injury or paralysis in the United States., Sonali Salunkhe
An evaluation of hospital-based health technology assessment processes in the United States., Scott Skinner
Bayesian strategies for propensity score estimation in causal inference., Uthpala I. Wanigasekara
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Bayesian methods for graphical models with neighborhood selection., Sagnik Bhadury
HIV and the African American church: millennial faith leader's perspectives., Kelsey LeAnn Burton
Meeting the mental health needs of college-aged young adults: evaluating the value and impact of digital mental health interventions., Sara Atherton Choate
“I think it's male privilege”: a qualitative study of personal, behavioral, and socio-environmental factors influencing high risk sexual behavior and HIV transmission among heterosexual adult males In Ghana., Nana Ama Aya Erzuah Bullock
Understanding public emergency preparedness before and during the coronavirus outbreak: implications for effective public health and risk communication., Raphael Adjetey Fumey
Public health contagion of white supremacy: examining the pipeline of attitudes about racism and racial history education among high school students., Trinidad Jackson
Bayesian methodologies for constrained spaces., Siddhesh Kulkarni
Protest-related tear gas exposure and menstrual function, Emily Kathleen (Steinmetz) Reece
Ecological differences in the associations between air pollution, greenness, and risk of stroke: The REGARDS study., Daniel W. Riggs
Person-centered decision-making and socio-cultural contexts influencing cesarean deliveries: a national analysis., Alice M. Story
Statistical methods for personalized treatment selection and survival data analysis based on observational data with high-dimensional covariates., Don Ramesh Dinendra Sudaraka Tholkage
A mixed methods assessment of menstrual hygiene management and school attendance among schoolgirls in Edo State, Nigeria., Madeline Tomlinson
Environmental noise exposure and its association with elementary standardized testing scores and adult mental ill-health in Louisville, Kentucky., Lindsey Adelle Wood
The role of MMP-3 in copper oxide nanoparticle-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis., Yuanbao Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Estimating treatment effect on medical cost and examining medical cost trajectory using splines and change point techniques., Indranil Ghosh
Exploring opportunities for prevention of child sexual abuse in a diverse American Muslim community., Rishtya Meena Kakar
The impact of statin use on outcomes of Diabetic adult patients hospitalized for community acquired pneumonia., Joel Lanceta
Identifying the cardiovascular effects of multiple pollutants., Katlyn Elizabeth McGraw
The association between depression and anxiety with COVID-19 outcomes., Erica Miller
Observational studies in group testing and potential applications., Alexander Christopher Noll
Understanding wellbeing in refugee youth from the African great lakes region., Victory Osezua
Particulate matter exposure and community-acquired pneumonia mortality among hospitalized adults with pneumococcal pneumonia: incidence study (HAPPI) participants., Jack Anthony Pfeiffer
Trends in hysterectomy in hospital and ambulatory settings in Kentucky 2017-2020., Felicia A. Pugh
Estimating cumulative incidence rate on interval censored data in an illness-death model., Chen Qian
Predictive modeling of clinical outcomes for hospitalized COVID-19 patients utilizing CyTOF and clinical data., Onajia Stubblefield
Bayesian variable selection strategies in longitudinal mixture models and categorical regression problems., Md Nazir Uddin
Exploring the contextual factors and decision-making process of risky sexual behavior among homeless adults in Louisville, Kentucky., Sarah C. Van Heiden
Hospital-based professional spiritual care: evaluating the utilization, availability, and impact of chaplains., Kelsey B. White
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Tobacco smoke exposures and fertility-related outcomes among females seeking fertility care, and the interaction with N-Acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2).., T'shura S. A. Ali
Preventable hospitalization among type 2 diabetes patients in Kentucky before and after medicaid expansion 2010-2017., Turky Jamil Arbaein
A novel approach to HIV prevention: understanding multi-level influences on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) uptake and outreach among African Americans., Suur Debrah Ayangeakaa
Novel inference methods for generalized linear models using shrinkage priors and data augmentation., Arinjita Bhattacharyya
Aspects of causal inference., John A. Craycroft
Marginal methods and software for clustered data with cluster- and group-size informativeness., Mary Elizabeth Gregg
Volatile organic compound exposure and cardiometabolic syndrome risk in a nationally representative cohort., Stacey Lane Konkle
The green house nursing home model: the GH elements and their impact on quality of care in nursing homes., Deborah Kaminka Niyongabo
Converting threats into opportunities predicting medical error reporting behavior., Whitney Thomas Rogers
Novel Bayesian methodology for the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data., Michael Sekula
Modified-half-normal distribution and different methods to estimate average treatment effect., Jingchao Sun
Oral health-related quality of life in US adults with type 2 diabetes., Giang Truong Vu
Characterization of adiposity and inflammation genetic pleiotropy underlying cardiovascular risk factors in Hispanics., Mohammad Yaser (Anwar)
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The shape study : the survey of health and the perceived environment study., Colette Patrice Davis
“Pissing in the wind”: racially discriminatory economic policies’ impact on today’s banking status, use of alternative financial services and health outcomes., Gaberiel Jones Jr
Novel Bayesian methodology in multivariate problems., Debamita Kundu
Determining the effect of an educational intervention on medical support personnel's knowledge to administer a standardized developmental screening tool., Leslie Chiaventone Lopez
Handgun carrying patterns and suicide risk among youth., Teresa Jane McGeeney
Characterization of the impact of prenatal cigarette smoke exposure on age- and sex-specific SIRT1-mediated hepatic molecular phenotype in C57BL/6 mice., Kendall S. Stocke
Polydrug use among people who use opioids, national survey on drug use and health 2002 to 2017., Diana Kuo Stojda
An evaluation of the supply and demand of radiation oncology medical physicists in the United States., Christine Marie Swanson
Evaluation of the health and exposure histories of a community surrounded by industry and industrial waste : a mixed methods approach., Lindsay Koloff Tompkins
Probability of conception after fertility counseling and the association of sexually transmitted infections with pregnancy in the Loussi study., Lindsey Adelle Wood
Statistical methods for estimating and testing treatment effect for multiple treatment groups in observational studies., Xiaofang Yan
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
An assessment of the disaster preparedness knowledge of emergency medical services providers in Hajj of 2016., Ahmed Meaiwedh Al-Otaibi
Generalized spatiotemporal modeling and causal inference for assessing treatment effects for multiple groups for ordinal outcome., Soutik Ghosal
Lead and crime: an ecological study between lead contaminated topsoil and violent crime., Brian Guinn
Cost burden of social isolation for wheelchair users in Louisville, Kentucky., Connie Light
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the Gambia., Sandhya Lohani