Arts and Research Showcase 2024
How Medical Students Address Mental Health during Standardized Patient Interactions
Bhoomi Shah B.S. Candidate; Emily J Noonan, PhD, MA; Laura A. Weingartner, PhD, MS
As mental health needs are increasingly recognized around the world, it has become an increasingly important topic within medical education to ensure that medical professionals are well-prepared to address these concerns and provide adequate mental health care to patients. Our research examines the language that medical students used to assess and address mental health concerns during clinical skills training.
We observed standardized patient interactions with 85 medical students from the University of Louisville School of Medicine completing a new patient history. We coded verbal discussions of mental health, including topics discussed, empathetic language, questioning techniques, student recommendations, and connections to external factors influencing mental health.
Mental health was discussed in 57 encounters (67%). Our analysis of these discussions revealed that empathetic language was used in 33 encounters (58%), open-ended questions were asked in 37 encounters (65%), and close-ended questions were asked in 49 encounters (86%). However, student recommendations regarding mental health concerns were only offered in 10 encounters (18%), and the student made connections to external factors that influence mental health were made in only 2 encounters (4%).
Medical students demonstrated strengths and areas for improvement in their engagement with mental health topics during patient interactions. While they show sensitivity and willingness to discuss mental health, more students should provide comprehensive care, including giving recommendations and articulating external factors. These findings reinforce the importance of integrating more robust mental health education into medical curricula. Next steps could involve targeted training interventions to enhance students' skills in addressing mental health concerns.
Recommended Citation
Shah, Bhoomi S.; Weingartner, Laura; and Noonan, Emily J.
"How Medical Students Address Mental Health during Standardized Patient Interactions,"
The Cardinal Edge: Vol. 2:
2, Article 8.
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