This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Housing tenure choice of immigrants in the United States., Zhenfeng Pan 1974-
Comorbidity of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and gender with internalizing and externalizing symptoms., Anna Louise Peterson
"Jack of all trades" : the metamorphosis of armored cavalry in Vietnam., Robert Manson Peters 1966-
New families of voltage-mode and current-mode filter circuits., Tongfeng Qian
Toward autonomic distributed data mining using intelligent web services., Padmanabhan Ramaswamy 1976-
At work in the fields : an essay into the work lives of nineteenth century English agricultural wage labouring and African American slave and freed women., Anne Reeves 1948-
Characterization of microbial communities in karstic sediments : a study of cave bacteria in central Kentucky., Justine Kay Roback 1964-
Business faculty recruitment : effects of annual salary and health benefits plan., Glenn Rodriguez
Interpersonal change as an outcome of time-limited interpersonal therapy., Nicholas Lawrence Salsman 1978-
Perceptions of efficacy of minority and non-minority school-based decision-making council members in Kentucky's region 1 and region 2 school systems., Anthony Ray Sanders
The Marian and Elizabethan persecutions : how England was prepared for persecution and defended from martyrdom., Mitchell Scott
A comparative study of the physical mechanisms related to highway noise barrier insertion loss : measurements versus modeling assumptions., Ning Shu 1975-
Thermal conductivity measurement of thin film of carbon SWNT using the 3w technique., Anton Nickolaevich Sidorov 1981-
Child of the North : Louisville's transition to a southern city, 1879-1885., Robert Bruce Symon Jr., 1962-
Regionalism in the new globalized economy : politics of scale and the discourse of regionalism--Comparative politics of two Japanese global city-regions., Takashi Tsukamoto
Legacy children : whose legacy are they?, Pamela Nolley Tungate 1968-
Groundwater remediation technologies for trichloroethylene and technetium-99., John Nicholas Uhl 1960-
Relationships among demographic variables, organizational culture, interpersonal self-efficacy and perceived job performance., Maria D. Vasquez-Colina
Investigations of N-acetyltransferases in human hepatocytes and rat models., Jason Matthew Walraven
Fabrication of a microfluidic platform for impedance analysis of cultured endothelial cell monolayers., Stuart J. Williams 1981-
The surreal narrative : contemporary tintypes and video., Mary Helen Yates
Induction of lineage and differentiation of adult human neuroepithelial progenitors in vitro., Xiaodong Zhang 1968-
Explore the murine cardiac 20S proteasomes : molecular composition and regulation., Chenggong Zong
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
A characterization of micromanipulator controlled dry spinning of micro- and nanoscale polymer fibers., Scott Berry
Factors influencing the willingness to mentor female campus recreation professionals., Glenna G. Bower
Beguiling beginnings and dialectical salvaging : the presidential inaugural speech and African-American leaders' speeches., Jacqueline Elaine Brown
Software integrity management system., Joseph H. Brown 1980-
The current crisis in orthodontic education : the residents' perspective., Matthew Kawabori Bruner
A clinical comparison of decalcification following orthodontic treatment using composite resin and reinforced modified glass ionomer cements., Jennifer L. Butterfoss 1976-
The heart of the matter : the gendered relationship of altruism and marital happiness., Natalie Jane Brinton Call 1978-
A model racing plant : founding and economic history of Keeneland racetrack., Scott A. Carmony 1967-
Web based evaluation of material handling alternatives for automated manufacturing : a parallel replications approach., John B. Casebier 1973-
Probing the properties of the second coordination sphere of biologically relevant metal complexes using amide function., Lionel E. Cheruzel 1976-
The jugular vein of empire : the imperial attachment to the Suez Canal from 1875 to 1956., Matthew Church
The role of the toll-like receptor pathway in susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease., Nigel Crawford 1974-
Indicators of community receptivity to international service-learning programs., Henry R. Cunningham
The effect of process parameters on laser-deposited TI-6A1-4V., Troy Austin Davis 1981-
The transcriptional repressor protein growth factor independence-1B in T lymphopoiesis., Loretta L. Doan
The cost of wisdom : a comparative theoretical analysis of research ethics in the United States, Germany and Hungary., Steven A. Drewry
Approaching Dionysus : challenges of a post-modern Bacchae., Julie Dingman Evans
The tracks of my tears : an actor's account of her progression in the role of Jessie Cates in Marsha Norman's play "'Night, Mother"., Kia Tomille Elizabeth Fisher
Some social considerations in the female portraits of Palma Vecchio., Sarah Elizabeth Fruehling 1977-
The characterization and model optimization of an analog integrated circuit standard cell library., Mallika Gopinath 1977-
Design, fabrication and testing of P-channel enhancement mode transistors., Usha R. Gowrishetty 1979-
The development of an innovative adder design evaluated using programmable logic., James A. Haas 1971-
The role of nuclear factors of activated T-cells (NFAT) in neuronal death., Agata M. Habas 1976-
Human visual processing of orientation in broad stimuli., Bruce C. Hansen
Family literacy—predictors of program participation and goal attainment in Kentucky., Zelma Renae Stewart Harrison
Anomaly based intrusion detection for network monitoring using a dynamic honeypot., Jeff Hieb
Planar graphs : a historical perspective., Rick Alan Hudson 1978-
Novel synthesis techniques for nanostructures., Romaneh Jalilian 1977-
Breakdown from within : Virginia railroads during the Civil War era., Larry Edward Johnson 1956-
The city as a point of transition in the lives of Esmeralda Santiago and Judith Ortiz Cofer., Monica Michelle Joiner
An empirical investigation of factors influencing teacher attraction to a career as school counselor., Beverly Cox Keepers 1948-
A hundred visions and revisions : becoming a better actor., Shawn M. Knight 1977-
The design of the settings and lighting for "Black Nativity"., Mark S. Krause
Technological change, economic growth, and income inequality : MSA evidence from the 1990s., Thomas Eric Lehman 1967-
Development of ozone forecast models for selected Kentucky metropolitan areas., Yiqiu Lin 1971-
The roles of pancreatic beta cell antioxidants in islet transplantation and type 1 diabetes., Xiaoyan Li
Nucleation and growth studies of crystalline carbon phases at nanoscale., Radhika C. Mani 1978-
Developing a database for Genbank information., Nathan Mann
DHEA action is mediated by multiple receptors and metabolites., Kristy K. Michael Miller
Psychosocial antecedents of sex offender criminality and violence., Sonia Marie Perry Mills 1965-
Distributed data mining using web services., Vivek Mongolu 1977-
Frequency of RAD diagnosis and attachment disorder in community mental health agency clients., Paula S. Morgan 1958-
Child maltreatment assessment and recidivism : a study of Kentucky child protective services., Helen Katherine Mudd
Employees' perceptions of barriers in e-Learning : the relationship among barriers, demographics, and e-Learning self-efficacy., Penina Mungania 1974-
Louise C. Morel, The Louisville Women's City Club, and municipal housekeeping in Louisville, 1917-1935., Gail Elizabeth Chooljian Nall
Corporate change and integration as a result of a merger : an analysis of organizational culture within a large full-service law firm., Ilker Huseyin Onen
A human narrative in the metopes from the temple of Zeus at Olympia., Amanda Beth Crecelius Ott 1980-
The relationship between political cynicism and right-wing authoritarianism : a study of the Louisville-Jefferson County merger., Jeremy Reed Porter 1978-
Cases of university faculty conceptions and practices of teaching, assessment and action research., Carol Dianne Raubenheimer 1959-
Electrical charge distribution studies in SWNT, C60@SWNT, and DWNT structures., Jose E. Rivera 1961-
The Java CoG kit grid desktop : a simple and central approach to grid computing using the graphical desktop paradigm., Pankaj R. Sahasrabudhe 1980-
A comparison of brief, single sessions of physical activity and relaxation/meditation on affective responses of female undergraduates., Paul Gregory Salmon 1948-
Writing in the crossroads : examining first-year composition and creative writing., Leah Schweitzer 1973-
Modeling real gases and liquids using a modified van der Waals equation of state., Andrew James Sexton 1981-
"My partner wasn't so disgusting when we first started dating, what happened?" : an exploration of change processes in close relationships and their causes., Stephen R. Shamblen
Fundamentalist religious movements : a case study of the Maitatsine movement in Nigeria., Katarzyna Z. Skuratowicz
Geometric pitch structure and form in "Deserts" by Edgard Varese., Michael David Sprowles
Thermal analysis of microhotplates using computer aided design and simulation software., Hiren Vrajlal Trada 1977-
The interrelationships of parent rural values, parent religiosity, parent involvement, and student outcomes in a small, southern, rural middle school., E. Carolyn Tucker 1949-
Isomerization, reactivity, and structural study of a thioperoxide-bridged dimolybdenum(V) dimer., Chi Minh Tuong 1971-
Participatory action research with adults with mental retardation : "Oh my God. Look out world.", Rita Marie Valade
Cephalogram pseudo-color and emboss enhancements : anatomical landmark clarity in photostimuable phosphor cephalometrics., Ryan B. Wiesemann 1977-
The parents of progressive improvement : railroads and public policy in Kentucky, 1829-1900., David Matthew Wilkins
A study of technological literacy in writing programs., Katherine V. Wills 1957-
The visual perception of distance in action space., Bing Wu 1973-
The analysis of missing data in public use survey databases : a survey of statistical methods., Ping Xu 1975-
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Regulation of Na,K-Atpase activity by tyrosine phosphorylation in lens cells., Larry Darko Bozulic 1974-
Factors that predict student performance in dual credit courses in Kentucky community and technical colleges., Nicholas L. Brake
The influence of teachers' efficacy and beliefs on mathematics instruction in the early childhood classroom., Elizabeth Todd Brown 1948-
James Wilson : progressive constitutionalist., Bradley Jay Caffee 1972-
Studies of the effects of pancreatic beta cell antioxidant transgenes on experimental models of diabetes., Hainan Chen
Tina Modotti and "Idols Behind Altars"., Andrea Jeanne Deetsch 1976-
The problem of religious diversity : a study and critique of the philosophy of John Hick., John K. Dryden 1976-
State political culture and the affordability of higher education : a multivariate analysis of the impact of state higher education systems on the cost of attending college., Angela Perkins Girdley 1964-
The bilingual motets of the old corpus of the Montpellier Codex., Kimberly Adelle Harris
A comparative analysis of mentoring as a socializing strategy among law faculty., Ray Kennard Haynes 1963-
Process of performance : an acting thesis., Jennifer Ann Hunt 1970-