This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Life beyond the Port of Beirut, album & drum triggering system., Ayman Abi Kheir
In-training explainability frameworks to make black-box machine learning models more explainable., Asuman Cagla Acun
Multimodal stylometry: A novel approach for authorship identification., Glory O. Adebayo
Using the State-Reinforced Self-Governance framework to evaluate neighborhood revitalization in the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative., Gifty Amma Adusei
Assessing the relationship between racism in medicine, medical mistrust and cardiovascular disease among Black American adults., Osayande Agbonlahor
Racial identity & psychological distress: The mediating role of sense of community and spiritual struggles among Black Christians., Adebayo Ajibade
The role of matrix metalloproteinase-9 gene ablation in preserving ejection fraction during chronic volume overload-induced heart failure., Oluwaseun Ebenezer Akinterinwa
Access to health care and glycemic control: The national health and nutrition examinations survey (NHANES) 2005-2018., Mohamed M. Ali
You don’t look sick: Epistemic injustice, ethos, and embodied expertise in narratives of chronic illness., Caitlin Burns Allen
Exploring influencing factors on the adoption of non-pharmaceutical interventions during pandemics: COVID-19 as an example., Ahmed Abdulmohsen I Alobaydullah
Modifiers of the effects of different dimensions of social support on cardiac rehabilitation adherence., Melissa Amraotkar
Teacher identity matters: The influence of identity on student/teacher relationships and special education student performance., Jamil Anderson
Social undermining among police officers in the United States., Weston B. Anderson
Spectrum optimization for advanced air mobility communications using deep reinforcement learning., Rafael D. Apaza
Attention guided data augmentation for improving the classification performance of vision transformers., Nada Baili
Mental health counseling for individuals with intellectual disabilities: A phenomenological study of client perspectives., Kathleen Nagle Barnett
Housing policy and eviction: An iterative process., Oleksandra Maksymivna Belinova
Constitutive chefs: The ethos and constitutive rhetoric of Anthony Bourdain, Sean Sherman, and Mashama Bailey., Michael Jared Benjamin
Faculty and "Teams": Academic literacies in the post-lockdown, digital university., Morgan Suzanne Blair
Analysis of the robustness and sensitivity of deep learning models for automatic target recognition., Wael Bouchaala
Inhibition of pro-inflammatory lipid mediators by Yersinia pestis., Amanda Brady
Remote caregiver teaching to improve caregiver implementation of system of least prompts., Brandy N. Brewer
Regulation and mechanisms of ocular dominance plasticity at cellular resolution., Thomas Christopher Brown
Utilizing metal ligand cooperativity to activate small molecules., Christine Burgan
Buried pipeline performance under surface loading using finite eelement analyses and innovative soil box testing methodologies., Adam Gabreil Cantrell
A study of post-quantum cryptographic schemes., Max Cartor
Ligand-stabilized SnO2 as a high-performance and scalable electron transport material for inverted perovskite solar cells., Sashil Chapagain
That limbless sign the thesis document., Donna R. Charging
Predicting the effects of precipitation on groundwater contamination near capped and uncapped coal ash storage facilities in Louisville, Kentucky., Daryl Jialiang Chen
Alabaster glory., Chloe Cheng
Examination of model minority myth, mentorship, university environment, and sense of belonging on the well-being of Asian American undergraduate and graduate students., Stephanie Chin and Stephanie Chin
Mechanical property simulations of ploybenzimidazole membranes., Blake Alexander Clark
Acoustofluidic delivery of biomolecules to cells: a novel approach for preparing CAR-T cells., Madison C. Colebank
Proteolytic manipulation of neutrophil responses and the efferocytic synapse by porphyromonas gingivalis., Kelley N. Cooper
Preserving archaeology in the digital age: Evaluating strategies for effective curation and database management., Cenetria Leshun Crockett
The superhero gothic: The montrous hero to the heroic monster in the twentieth century., John Darowski
An investigation into the structural features that control factor xiii stability and substrate specificity., Rameesa Darul Amne Syed Mohammed
The evaluation of acute: Chronic workload ratios for integration into the injury mitigation strategy of a sport organization., Matthew K. Daunis
Social identity and personhood at an early byzantine cemetery: Late antique child burials at Syedra, Turkiye., Mekenzie Riley Davis
Reimaging safety after sexual violence: A qualitative exploration of survivors' experiences with formal and informal crisis response networks., Hallie Ruth Decker
Origin stories., Danielle Deeley
High energy density lithium-ion battery materials., Rachel DeWees
A little bit of everything: Persistence though the pre-medical pipeline for first and continuing generation students., Tana R. Didelot
Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type in adults with Down syndrome: knowledge among graduate students in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology., Abigail Regan Donaway
Relation between the negative cognitive triad, perceived everyday discrimination, depressive symptoms, and TNF-a in adolescents., Ashley Ann Marshall Dondanville
Adaptive robot collaboration using robotic skin and motion similarity., Jordan Dowdy
Examination of solutrean lithic technology at the Vale Boi site, Southwestern Portugal., Jordan Durham
Socioecological factors associated with the timing of prenatal care initiation in Kentucky and beyond: An exploratory study., Melissa B. Eggen
Evaluating the effectiveness of computer-based instruction for training pre-service teachers in simultaneous prompting., Mary P. Elliott
Contested spaces: Unhoused black men and their survival within the urban landscape., Jonathan Riley Ellis
The utilization of grassroots organizing by Black women pioneers to achieve reproductive justice., Madison Ruth Ellsworth
Impact of human immunoglobulin genetic variants on the expressed antibody repertoire., Eric Engelbrecht
Development of a square wave voltage field-oriented controller for a linear vapor compressor., Thomas Everson
Unraveling the complex dynamics of cardiac fibrosis: CCN1 as a novel regulator of scar collagen architecture and structural integrity in myocardial infarction., Annalara Garland Fischer
Examining associations between parental meta-emotion, child ADHD symptoms, and socioemotional impairments., Meaghan Flynn
Uncovering the hidden diversity of antibody heavy chains and their implications for autoantibody mediated disease., Easton Earl Ford
How white supremacy travels through time: Anti-literacy laws, DEI bans, and the issue of Black self-determination in public health., Nicole V. Ford
Defining the peripheral plasticity of nociceptive afferents following spinal cord injury and physical therapy intervention., Morgan Julianna Forston
Using AASHE STARS as a pedagogical instrument: An experiential learning opportunity in sustainability education., Robin Frederick
Applying exploratory learning methods to sociopolitical beliefs and cognition., Sarah French
Relationships between fitness levels, physical activity participation, hemoglobin A1c levels, and motor proficiency in adolescent patients with type 1 diabetes., Caroline E. Frye
Inside the dojo of digital media: What marginalized student perspectives reveal about multiliteracy center practices., Lauren Fusilier
Co-emulation of robotics and software-defined radio based 5G wireless communications., Bhaskara Venkata Raju Garuda
Rockin’ rehab: Novel rocking chair for children with spinal cord injury to enable trunk muscle activation and detect muscle activation patterns., Johnathan Jay George
Children's beliefs about search engines., Lauren N. Girouard-Hallam
Risk perception, diabetes risk knowledge, and fatalism in adults at risk for type 2 diabetes: a self-determination theory perspective., Cassandra M. Gonzalez
Development and evaluation of a modeling platform for evaluating immunotherapeutic efficacy in the tumor microenvironment., Dylan Andrew Goodin
A qualitative exploration of social capital and its influence on baccalaureate degree completion of first-generation African American men at the University of Louisville., Joseph Marshall Goodman III
Using a planetarium to support pre-service elementary teachers' development of NGSS-aligned science teaching., Breanna Graven
Interpretation models for prostate lesion: detecting, explaining, and understanding., Mehmet Akif Gulum
Understanding defect dynamics in black phosphorene under noble gas ion irradiation., Saransh Gupta
Emergency vehicle prioritization in connected and autonomous traffic., Mohamadreza Haghani
Synthesis and doping effects in highly conductive chalcogenide solid electrolytes., Selim Halacoglu
Differential responses of human neutrophils to legionella species., Hannah E. Hanford
Reinforcement learning assisted communication resources optimization in advanced air mobility., Ruixuan Han
Novel designs of soft tactile sensor and robot finger manipulator based on optical fibers., Seokyoung Han
Bayesian approaches in multi-state Markov models and high dimensional time-to-event data., Yuchen Han
Exploring chronic stress, avoidance coping, and diurnal cortisol in head and neck cancer patients: A pilot study of best practices in diurnal cortisol sampling., Brooks R. Harbison
Transforming into a politically engaged actor through Gem of the Ocean., Tajleed Steven Hardy
Towards high performance and energy efficient data centers., Bryan Harris
Aspects of style in selected works by Takashi Yoshimatsu., K. Alex Hatton
Examining the role of presence of meaning in life on wellbeing in emerging adulthood., Hannah K. Heitz
Effects of a protection zone in a reaction-diffusion model with shifting bounded habitat and Allee effect., Davis Henderson
Coproduction revisited: From theory to practice., Brenton Clarke Hereford
Phenomenological study of the impact of stress and burnout after COVID-19 on educators: Supporting teachers in resiliency and facilitating adversarial growth post-pandemic., Rebecca Hicks-Hawkins
Exploring medicaid stigma in Kentucky., Malea Hoepf Young
"They are who we thought they were": The influence of white supremacist discourse on voter suppression and black health., Tanisha Howard Lewis
Assessing the impacts of soil arthropods on geochemical transformations., Thomas Blake Hudson
Exploring resilience with neuroimaging: Moderators of the impacts of childhood traumatic stress on fear processing., Karisa June Hunt
Investigations of physical properties of novel magnetic and non- magnetic two-dimensional (2D) alloys., Mohammed Ameen Irziqat
Class of 1884: Black education in Louisville and the inaugural graduating class of Central colored high school., Jordan Tierre Jackson-Collins
Art justice: The Nazi aesthetic, cultural theft, and restitution in the 21st century., Kathryn Elaina Jacob
BioCaRGOS: Capture and Release Gels for room temperature cell storage., Justin Jacobson
The examination of intratumoral compression as a mechanobiological driver of glioblastoma progression., Allison McKenzie Johnson
Engaging for a cause: How nonprofits can leverage theory to maximize video engagement on Instagram., Aiko A. A. A. Jones
Burnout in rural special education teachers of students with low incidence disabilities: A mixed methods study on the fall of the dedicated and committed., Kristie N. Jones
Exploring cultural enrichment and musical development: The role of the Brazilian ensemble in the jazz program at the University of Louisville., Diego Jose da Silva
Multithreaded applications on the heterogeneous research computing environment., Sungbo Jung