This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Re-engineering cardio-oncology testing using biomimetic heart slice cultures., Jessica Miller
Effects of sizing agents on mechanical properties of carbon fiber–polymer composites via fused filament fabrication additive manufacturing., Benjamin D. Mitchell
Machine learning analysis of acoustic attenuation measurements for cellular characterization., John T. Moore
Development and novel applications of halogenating agents., Sagar Ravso Mudshinge
Ideas in communities: a micro-perspective on entrepreneurial ecosystems., Malcolm Muhammad
The role of generative adversarial networks in bioimage analysis and computational diagnostics., Ahmed Naglah
Sustainable nanocatalysis in water for C–C and C–N Cross-Couplings., Tharique Ahammed Ansari Nalakath
Dental morphology in a juvenile mammal from the late Cretaceous of South America: tooth eruption and development., Kayla E Newton
The water we were swimming in: transgender and gender nonconforming students' lived experiences in engineering., Natalie Saroff Oliner
Understanding racial disparate treatment of juvenile interpersonal violent offenders in the juvenile justice system using focal concerns theory., Suzanne Overstreet
Acoustofluidic delivery of gene editing compounds for improved immunotherapy processing., Riyakumari K. Patel
Factors influencing American Indian adolescents' abstention and desistance from drug usage., Ruben Olegovich Pavlov
"I am who I am": LGBTQ+ student experiences at a Baptist liberal arts University., Edwin Pavy
Functional role of PPAL and potential for moss in industrial applications., Susana Perez Martinez
Development and applications of a sensor for measurement of different modes of heat transfer on foods in a residential oven., Kervins Petit-Bois
Increasing self-determination skill through behavioral skills training for individuals with extensive support needs to examine reversible contraceptive choices., Jennifer Pollard
Authentically (un)real assessing VH!'s basketball wives and its violent & colorist portrayals of black women., Wilma Denae Powell
Fluid structure interactions within a common rail diesel injector., Russell Prater
Beyond a divide: reconceptualizing digital capital and links to academic proficiency., Ryan Price
Development of porous solid acid catalysts for lignocellulose and plastic upcycling., Mohammad Shahinur Rahaman
Motivations of division I student-athletes to participate in strength and conditioning programs., Liza Reader
Protest-related tear gas exposure and menstrual function, Emily Kathleen (Steinmetz) Reece
Tobacco-derived aldehydes, platelets, and thrombogenicity: role of transient receptor potential ankyrin-1., Andre D. Richardson
A new direction for public understanding of science: toward a participant-centered model of science engagement., Christopher Rickels
Ecological differences in the associations between air pollution, greenness, and risk of stroke: The REGARDS study., Daniel W. Riggs
Forecasting hypotension by learning from multivariate mixed responses.., Jodie Ritter
Barriers and opportunities to sustainable urban agriculture: the case of Louisville, Kentucky., Sait Sarr
Progymnasmata and practicality: classical composition in the contemporary classroom., Chelsea Murray Schaper
The role of obesity in macrophage-mediated mechanisms promoting early-onset colon cancer., Katharina Marietta Scheurlen
Factors affecting quality of life and asthma control in older adults with asthma., Karen Schuckmann
Plant-pollinator communities responsive to local and landscape level factors in grassland restorations., Aaron Sexton
Definitions and depictions of rhetorical practice in medieval English Fürstenspiegel., Joseph Ethan Blaine Sharp
Role of machine learning in early diagnosis of kidney diseases., Mohamed Nazih Mohamed Ibrahim Shehata
As above, so below: magical poetics and queer alchemy & a planetary spell.., Robert Eric Shoemaker
Porphyromonas gingivalis, ethanol, and chronic diseases., Nicholas Alan Short
Induction of trained immunity by particulate β-glucan controls cancer metastasis through the sphingolipids-mediated mitochondrial fission pathway., Rejeena Shrestha
Age-related differences in the relationship between activity familiarity and well-being., S. Kelly Shryock
Determinants of caregiver burden among informal caregivers looking after older adults with Alzheimer's disease in Saudi Arabia., Sultan Ali Shubair
Putting colorism on trial intraracial colorism and its impact on crime trajectory among African Americans., Shaderica Ta'shawn Sibley
The role of organizational culture and relationship marketing in disability sport sponsorship: an exemplar case study., Nina Siegfried
Kurt Vonnegut, modernity, and the self: a guide to the good life., Josh Simpson
Language ideologies and racialization of language: multilingual learners' experiences in the first year in a community college., Yohimar Sivira Gonzalez
Role of Galactose, Thiazolidinediones, and NEET proteins in Mitochondrial physiology and therapeutic development., Robert Anthony Skolik
Cannabinoids and retinal fibrotic disorders., Lucy June Sloan
Black ads matter: an analysis of black representation in advertising., Elyssa Quinn Smith
on the subject of loneliness., Isaac Raymond Smith
(De)Legitimizing genres: rhetoric and tactical institutional critique., Walker Smith
Cadence and range of motion modulate pedal force in a rat model of motorized cycling after spinal cord injury., Gregory States
Voices of the "served": community resident perspectives on international service-learning in Peru., Adam C. Stieglitz
Person-centered decision-making and socio-cultural contexts influencing cesarean deliveries: a national analysis., Alice M. Story
Alpha, beta-unsaturated aldehydes: the underrepresented markers of disease., Saurin Sutaria
IoT in smart communities, technologies and applications., Muhammad Zaigham Abbas Shah Syed
HGF-mediated c-met signaling in human corneal epithelial cells., Kate Tarvestad
The impact of volatile organic compound exposure on subclinical biomarkers of cardiovascular injury., Breandon Taylor
Statistical methods for personalized treatment selection and survival data analysis based on observational data with high-dimensional covariates., Don Ramesh Dinendra Sudaraka Tholkage
The exploratory study of Jefferson County Public Schools' freshman academies of Louisville model on student promotion, attendance, and sense of belonging., Andrew Lewis Thomas
Black women burdening: the process of "unburdening" realism in Dennis McIntyre's split second., Brandi L. Threatt
A mixed methods assessment of menstrual hygiene management and school attendance among schoolgirls in Edo State, Nigeria., Madeline Tomlinson
Molecular mechanisms of hexavalent chromium-induced centrosome amplification., Jennifer Haruka Toyoda
Mejorar La Raza: measuring the implicit anti-black racial bias of multiracial individuals., Katalina Traxler
Effect of dorsal quadrant or ventral quadrant spinal cord injury on gait features during locomotion., Anya Nicole Trell
An analysis of public comments on the implementation of the NGSS in Kentucky., Matthew David Trzaskus
Characterization of microbotryum lychnidis-dioicae secreted effector proteins that manipulate its host plant, Silene latifolia., Ming-Chang Tsai
Lysosomal evasion of legionella pneumophilia the effector., Bethany Vaughn
Betwixt & between., Xuanyi Wang
Dimension and Ramsey results in partially ordered sets., Sida Wan
Rewriting writing as transmodal and translingual: Tranßcribing Japanese., Alex Way
Defining the importance of the hnRNP I interaction to the Sindbis virus subgenomic viral RNA using an innovative tethering approach., Claire Westcott
Stability analysis of ionically and electronically conductors in energy applications., Tanner D. Whatley
The roles of PON2 in mitochondrial physiology, lung tumor cell proliferation, and lung tumorigenesis., Aaron Whitt
Particulate hexavalent chromium inhibits homologous recombination repair by targeting RAD51 paralogs in human lung fibroblasts., Aggie R. Williams
The role of accuracy in children’s judgments of experts’ knowledge., Allison J. Williams
The glass coffin: gothic adaptations and the formation of sexual subjectivity., Colton T. Wilson
The experience of scanxiety in survivors of pancreatic cancer: a phenomenological study., Susan Winebrenner
Environmental noise exposure and its association with elementary standardized testing scores and adult mental ill-health in Louisville, Kentucky., Lindsey Adelle Wood
Transformation., Jingshuo Yang
Internalized racism mediating the effects of ethnic-racial socialization on self-esteem and psychological distress among Asians and Asian Americans in the United States., Tianhong "Jojo" Yao
Learning the language of America: a descriptive phenomenolgical study of black American racial conscientization., Kyee A Young
Finding the silver lining: the role of affect and adversity in entrepreneurial venturing., Lauren A. Zettel
The role of MMP-3 in copper oxide nanoparticle-induced pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis., Yuanbao Zhang
Examining the effects of NPRA antagonist anantin on sci-induced ployuria., Lindsey Zipperer
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
A spatial analysis of supply-demand of public transportation in Jefferson County, Kentucky., Nastaran Abdoli
Predicting Henry's Law constants of volatile organic compounds present in bourbon using molecular simulations., Christopher A Abney
Collaborative human-machine interfaces for mobile manipulators., Shamsudeen Olawale Abubakar
Simulation of fracture strength improvements of a human proximal femur using finite element analysis., Waleed Ebraheem Alim
Biometric features modeling to measure students engagement., Islam Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Alkabbany
A study of Arab and South Asian American men with immigrant-family origins in new-immigrant destinations., Jack Trey Allen
Restaurant style prediction using Word2vec and support vector machine., Saleh Abdullah Almohaimeed
Sustainable urban groundwater governance in Faisalabad, Pakistan: challenges and possibilities., Shahbaz Altaf
Winter suite., Timothy Amalavage-Smith