This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Image analysis of colloidal systems for pair and triplet correlations., Brianna Price
Trends in hysterectomy in hospital and ambulatory settings in Kentucky 2017-2020., Felicia A. Pugh
Immersive virtual reality and education: a study into the effectiveness of using this technology with preservice teachers., Shannon R. Putman
Estimating cumulative incidence rate on interval censored data in an illness-death model., Chen Qian
Towards long term colloid suspension in a vertically rotated system., Md Mahmudur Rahman
Computational modeling of 3D-printed Lactobacillus-antibiotic scaffolds for bacterial vaginosis., Veeresh P. Rai
Intercalation and high pressure studies of black phosphorous - pathways to novel materials and physics., Manthila Chathurange Rajapakse
Role of KVβ2 subunits in regulation of resistance arterial tone., Sean M Raph
Isomotive dielectrophoresis for enhanced analyses of cell subpopulations., Mohamed Zakarya Rashed
Development and evaluation of a body weight support treadmill for use with locomotor training on pediatric spinal cord injury patients., Winston T Rauch
GIS predictive modelling in the Daniel Boone National Forest: settlement patterns during the intensification or horticulture., Jacob Max Ray
Preclinical development of epicertin, a novel biotherapeutic for the treatment of ulcerative colitis., Micaela Ann Reeves
Charting the unknown: examining the prevalence and correlates of seconday traumatic stress in Kentucky probation and parole officers., Amanda Marie Roberts
Variable autonomy assignment algorithms for human-robot interactions., Christopher Kevin Robinson
School improvement grant: analysis of Kentucky cohort I schools., Ryan Rodosky
A translingual approach to the theory and practice of basic writing., Rachel Rodriguez
An introductory study of Coal Fly Ash enhancement for heavy metal removal in wastewater treatment., Samuel T. Romes
Lung nodules identification in CT scans using multiple instance learning., Wiem Safta
Cosine-based explainable matrix factorization for collaborative filtering recommendation., Pegah Sagheb Haghighi
In a Victorian fog: constructing identities in female gothic novels., Hayley Salo
Computational frameworks for microRNA functional analysis of inter-kingdom and indirect targeting., Mohammed Sayed
Flight trajectory prediction for aeronautical communications., Nathan T Schimpf
Characterizing the role of macrophages in cisplatin-induced kidney injury and progression to chronic kidney disease., Sophia M. Sears
Multi-style explainable matrix factorization techniques for recommender systems., Olurotimi Nugbepo Seton
Machine learning approaches for lung cancer diagnosis., Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed Shaffie
Local feature selection for multiple instance learning with applications., Aliasghar Shahrjooihaghighi
Design for metal fused filament fabrication (DfMF3) of Ti-6Al-4V alloy., Mohammad Qasim Shaikh
Witness and testimony: the role of race and community in forming Black Aesthetics., Cathy Smith Shannon
The effects of great leaps reading on the reading fluency of elementary students with reading and behavioral deficits., Gwendolyn Shultz Ashley
High-density parking for autonomous vehicles., Parag J. Siddique
Determination of the biological functions of undefined domains of VEEV nsP2., Andrew Michael Skidmore
Social cognition, impulsivity, and emotion regulation factors in aggressive behavior among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder., Kelly E. Slaughter
Role of meibum and tear phospholipids in the evaporative water loss associated with dry eye., Samiyyah M. Sledge
Solvent engineering of molybdenum disulfide electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution., Robert Carl Spalding
The peacock in the room: confronting the hidden curriculum of androcentrism and gender bias in undergraduate biology education., Sarah Hamilton Spaulding
The economic rationality of consumption in the Mycenaean political economy and its role in the reproduction of social personae: modeling prestige networks., Devin Alexander Stephens
The neural architecture of emotional intelligence., Teodora Stoica
Predictive modeling of clinical outcomes for hospitalized COVID-19 patients utilizing CyTOF and clinical data., Onajia Stubblefield
Materials and process design for ceramic fused filament fabrication (CF3) of hydroxyapatite., Kavish Sudan
Urban arterial lane flow distribution: a before and after traffic microsimulation analysis on the effect of implementing new route markings and signage., Larry Michael Summers
Shifting sands., Rachid Tagoulla
How do cover crops change soil health in a no-till system?, Aysha Kirsten Tapp Ross
Exploring service provider perspectives on facilitators and barriers to needle exchange program participation by females who inject drugs., Tammi Alvey Thomas
Engineering performance and teamwork perceptions shaped by structured learning experiences in a makerspace., Teresa Lee Tinnell
Computational investigations of the photochemical properties of B12-dependent systems: from solution to enzymes., Megan Toda Mackintosh
Framing the guard: a content analysis of how the news media frames the national guard during times of crisis., Taylor L. Tolles
I'm still valid: an explanatory sequential mixed-methods study of part-time phd students' motivation and satisfaction., Heather A Turner
Bayesian variable selection strategies in longitudinal mixture models and categorical regression problems., Md Nazir Uddin
Exploring the contextual factors and decision-making process of risky sexual behavior among homeless adults in Louisville, Kentucky., Sarah C. Van Heiden
Manipulating mindful breathing versus mindful eating: examining the effect of specific mindfulness mechanisms on food intake and eating disorder symptoms., Irina Alexandrovna Vanzhula
Heterocyclic amines and arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 polymorphism in pathogenesis of insulin resistance., Kennedy M. Walls
Modeling driver distraction mechanism and its safety impact in automated vehicle environment., Song Wang
Navigating internalized stigma and identity development in bipolar disorder I: A grounded theory investigation., Kaylyn L. Watterson
-rhiza., Katherine E. Watts
A remote sensing perspective: Mapping the human footprint in the Zambezi region of Namibia., Ariel E Weaver
Evaluation of risk and protective factors of substance use in the national association of intercollegiate athletics., Richard D Weaver Jr.
Love labor: literal symbols and true abstractions., Karen Weeks
Oligodendrocyte responses after spinal cord injury., George Zach Wei
Distribution and ecological effects of Azteca Chartifex/Trigona in the Barro Colorado Nature Monument., Rachel LeAnn Wells
An exploration of afrocentric features at a black homeschool collective., Tytianna Nikia Maria Wells
Hospital-based professional spiritual care: evaluating the utilization, availability, and impact of chaplains., Kelsey B. White
Understanding and Avoiding AI Failures: A Practical Guide., Robert Max C Williams
The rivers of life: a portraiture study of three black female educational leaders in a large urban school district., Cassandra G. Woods
In the balance: perceptions of work-family balance for women in higher education., Aubrey Radford Woolley
Chronic codeswitching: A phenomenological study examining Multiracial student sense of belonging in a predominantly White institution., Nicholas Lamar Wright
Mass spectrometry based metabolomics and Lipidomics., Fang Yuan
Exploring Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reactions using metal organic framework catalysts., Yuehan Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Identifying protective factors against overweight and obesity within the social environment of women with low incomes., Monica M. Adams
Louisville's dark tourist: Liminality, legend, and the macabre., Montgomery Quaid Adams
An actor's process in bridging the gap between first-generation and multi-generational African-American identities., Mutiyat Ade-Salu
Differences in opportunity evaluation between corporate and independent entrepreneurs., Alireza Aghaey
A structural study of correlated materials: incipient mott insulators and low-dimensional systesm., Alaa Alfailakawi
Tobacco smoke exposures and fertility-related outcomes among females seeking fertility care, and the interaction with N-Acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2).., T'shura S. A. Ali
Development and applications of condensed phase cavity ring-down spectroscopy for studies of electrochemical and interfacial., Shadi Ahmad Alnaanah
Model-based control methods to improve the power qualify of grid-connected single-phase inverters., Moath Alqatamin
Preventable hospitalization among type 2 diabetes patients in Kentucky before and after medicaid expansion 2010-2017., Turky Jamil Arbaein
A novel approach to HIV prevention: understanding multi-level influences on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) uptake and outreach among African Americans., Suur Debrah Ayangeakaa
Medusa for three sopranos and chamber orchestra., Joshua Baerwald
Automatic target recognition with convolutional neural networks., Nada Baili
Development and validation of the measure of perceived safety in the college classroom: a mixed methods phenomenological research study., Jennifer Ballard-Kang
Aqueous redox flow batteries with Boron doped diamond as an electrode., Alex M. Bates
Predictors of urban homeless rates., Andrew John Bates
Comparative secretomics and functional analysis of effectors utilized by the Microbotryum genus of anther-smut fungal pathogens, and their role in host-specificity., William Christopher Beckerson
Experimental evaluation of heat leak and convective heat transfer in a household freezer., Catherine E. Berghuis
The effects of self-regulated strategy development instruction on argument writing skills of adolescents with mild disabilities., Stacy Crawford Bewley
Novel inference methods for generalized linear models using shrinkage priors and data augmentation., Arinjita Bhattacharyya
Long for death., Ashley William Bittner
Analysis of twenty-first century zines., Anna Blake
"Don't put an 'or' where God puts an 'and'": constitutive rhetoric in queer Appalachia., Brooke Elizabeth Boling
Moral distress and moral residue among nurses working in the surgical intensive care unit: a descriptive qualitative approach., Adam Tyler Booth
Automatic target recognition with deep metric learning., Abdelhamid Bouzid