This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Hearing loss: investigating the comfort, confidence, knowledge, and preparedness of Kentucky school-based speech-language pathologists., Amanda Matsumoto
Role of plant volatile organic compounds (VOCS) in seed priming and plant-herbivore interactions., Abhinav Kumar Maurya
Practicing Pan-Africanism: West Indians and governance in Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana., Nicholas C. McLeod
Exosomes from embryonic stem cells as a prophylactic vaccine against lung cancer., Shuhan Meng
Fatalism as a cultural influence on correlates of anxiety and worry in Latino/a adolescents., Judy Mier-Chairez
The emerging oral pathogen, filifactor alocis, disrupts neutrophil functions to enhance survival and dysregulate inflammation., Irina Miralda Molina
Fly-in visualization of tubular objects: theory and application in virtual colonoscopy., Mostafa Mohamed
Influences of material extrusion additive manufacturing (MEAM) parameters and additives on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) properties., Niknam Momenzadeh
Rethinking Meredith Monk., Tracy Monaghan
Structural characterization and selective drug targeting of higher-order DNA G-quadruplex systems., Robert Chandos Monsen
Inventory management of the refrigerator's produce bins using classification algorithms and hand analysis., Sarah Virginia Morris
Tumor-derived exosomes drive immunosuppressive macrophages in a pre-metastatic niche through NF-Kβ dependent glycolytic metabolic reprogramming., Samantha M. Morrissey
Coparenting and school success: perspectives of fathers., Shannon M. Mount
Contemporary francophone west African social movements in the rise of neo pan-africanism: a case study of y en a marre in Senegal., Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Ndiaye
The green house nursing home model: the GH elements and their impact on quality of care in nursing homes., Deborah Kaminka Niyongabo
Susceptibility assessment of bank and floodplain erosion in stream restoration using a two-dimensional hydrodynamic., Fereshteh Noorbakhsh
Determining the efficacy of additive manufacturing for the aerospace spare parts supply chain, Kyle O'Brien
The ball is in your court: a phenomenological study examining college athletes with learning disabilities and/or ADHD on college campuses., Stephanie Thea O'Donnell
Search for new physics using lepton flavor violating signatures in modern particle colliders., Atanu Pathak
Modulation of inflammatory pathway by inflammatory inhibitor JSH-23 mitigates diabetic retinopathy., Rubens Petit Homme
Modulation of host innate immune cells by Yersinia pestis to create a permissive environment for replication., Amanda Rose Pulsifer
Electrochemically-modulated surface plasmon waves at a nano-scale for investigations and applications of redox assemblies., Aymen Hasan Qatamin
On the straight and narrow: how cultural beliefs about sex/gender manifest in college biology learning environments., Katherine Ray Kng
Dixieland crusaders: Mass media, the Ku Klux Klan, and the optics of populism, 1970-1979., Olivia E. Raymond
Computational behavioral analytics: estimating psychological traits in foreign languages., Kristopher Wayne Reese
Convolution inequalities and applications to partial differential equations., Matthew Reynolds
Tobacco-derived aldehydes: platelet activation, thrombosis, and the role of TRPA1., Andre Dwayne Richardson
Inclusion of classified staff in the implementation of positive behavior Interventions and supports: a district case study., Devon M. Roberts
Converting threats into opportunities predicting medical error reporting behavior., Whitney Thomas Rogers
Identification and structural characterization functional motifs in the Porphyromonas gingivalis MFA1 short fimbria., Mohammad K. Roky
Peer verbal sexual harassment in early adolescence: a feminist and sexual scripts theoretical approach., Shawn M. Rolfe
Addition of Fermentation Experiment to Unit Operations Laboratory, Jeremy T. Rone
American nocturne., Zahid Saeed
Making modality: transmodal composing in a digital media studio., Chris Scheidler
Incarceration experiences of older African American adults living with HIV - a constructivist grounded theory study., Verena Schmidt
The influence of self-forgiveness on relationship satisfaction post-infidelity., Dominic Schmuck
An investigation of the effect of contour process parameters on the surface roughness and dimensionality of overhanging features in 17-4 stainless steel., Katherine Schneidau
Impact of magnetocaloric material properties on performance of a magnetocaloric heat pump., Michael G. Schroeder
Plasma resuscitation attenuates intestinal barrier disturbance following hemorrhagic shock., Jessica E. Schucht
Undergraduate students use moral reasoning and belief in genetic determinism in response to a CRISPR/Cas9 socioscientific Issue., Katie M. Seiter
Novel Bayesian methodology for the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data., Michael Sekula
No vacancy: Family vacations on the road, on the water, and on the edge., Amy Jackson Sellers
An analysis of the role of reality television in the representation of immigrants on TLC's show, 90 day fiancé., Morohunfolu Jimade Seton
Designing an autonomous goods-to-person order picking system: from storage to pick., Mina Shekari Ashgzari
The role of inter-enlargement propriospinal neurons in locomotion following spinal cord injury., Courtney Therese Shepard
Transient display of chimeric proteins on biological surfaces as an effective strategy for modulations of innate and adaptive immune responses., Pradeep Shrestha
Functional nanomaterials by combining aminooxy chemistry and iodine activation at momolayer protected clusters., Tirtha Raj Sibakoti
Linear methods for regression with small sample sizes relative to the number of variables., Rajesh Sikder
Assaults on law enforcement officers: a spatial and theoretical analysis through social disorganization., Brian Keith Simpkins
Materials-processing relationships for metal fused filament fabrication of Ti-6Al-4V alloy., Paramjot Singh
Depressive symptoms and survival among lung cancer patients: biomarkers and potential benefits of an iPod- and mindfulness-based intervention., Chelsea J. Siwik
(Pseudo)phase tuning in the service of synthesis: technologies for sustainable catalysis., Justin Douglas Smith
Food insecuity in historically disenfranchised parts of Jefferson county, KY., Kaitlyn Smith
The dinner: An opera in one act., Rachael Smith
Mechanisms of chromate-induced suppression of RAD51: a one environmental health approach., Rachel M. Speer
A phenomenological study of kindergarten teachers' perceptions of their students in the age of kindergarten readiness., Adam Nelson Stephens
Tissue-resident myeloid-derived suppressor cells modulate immune homeostasis in healthy adipose., Katlin Brooke Stivers
Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide for the production of green fuels and chemicals., Jacob M. Strain
Modified-half-normal distribution and different methods to estimate average treatment effect., Jingchao Sun
Exploring Information for Quantum Machine Learning Models, Michael Telahun
Field manuals and place: an examination of place and narrative through the changing nature of leadership discourse at the General George Patton Museum of Leadership., Madison Lindsey-Paige Thompson
Development of a Pediatric cardiac assist Maglev pump for use with a universal driver system., Landon Heath Tompkins
Efficient conditional inactivation of Rdh10 reveals important role of retinoic acid during lung branching morphogenesis., Nhut Quang Huy Tran
Application of machine learning technologies for detection of proximal lesions in intraoral digital images: in vitro study., Rohit Vadlamani
A comprehensive study of the short-term variability of the migrating diurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere., Lokupatabendige Ashan Shivantha Vitharana
Hotel De Vagabundos: reviewing African American theatre journey., Manuel Francisco Viveros
Oral health-related quality of life in US adults with type 2 diabetes., Giang Truong Vu
Perceptions of executive functions and self-care actions in major depressive disorder., Melanie G. Walters
Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition: a novel therapeutic strategy in alcoholic liver disease., Jeffrey Barr Warner
The development of a culturally-informed cervical cancer screening and prevention mhealth intervention for African American women., Ariel Washington
The long journey down market street: an oral history based biography of Mary Craik., Denise Vulhop Watkins
LabVIEW Improvements and Equipment Redesign of Unit Operations Distillation Column, Madalyn S Wead
Assessing predictors of harmful algal blooms in the Western Lake Erie Basin., Katherine M. Weigle
The corporate venture dyad: a study of the impact of cultural distance on venture performance., Tommie R. Welcher
Black middle-class neighborhoods in Louisville through multiple lenses., Jamar M. Wheeler
Social media and fear: social media as a catalyst for political fear in the United States., Shane R. White
Portrait of modern pluralism: A practitioner's perspective on interest group politics and theory., Mary Ellen Wiederwohl
Characterization of adiposity and inflammation genetic pleiotropy underlying cardiovascular risk factors in Hispanics., Mohammad Yaser (Anwar)
Regression and progression: portrayals of midnighter and apollo wildstrom and dc comics., Adam J. Yeich
The effects of whole life, low dose cadmium exposure on high fat diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and the role of zinc., Jamie Lynn Young
Imparting 3D representations to artificial intelligence for a full assessment of pressure injuries., Sofia Zahia
Evaluation of tracing techniques in the rat spinal cord using a custom MATLAB application., Rachel M. Zalla
Microrobots for wafer scale microfactory: design fabrication integration and control., Ruoshi Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Plasma oxidation of liquid precursors for complex metal oxides., Babajide Patrick Ajayi
A distinct pattern of sterile inflammation induced by zinc oxide nanowires., Ruqaih Salem Alghsham