This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 1930
Types of children in Dickens' novels., J. T. Highfield Mrs.
Effects of thermal influences upon the pons and medulla and upon the mid brain and diencephalon after ligation of the basilar artery., Franklin Jelsma
General Anglo-Russian relations 1903-1908., Catherine Archer Little
Land laws of Kentucky., Lillian Logan
The fate of water lost from the blood in cocaine fever and the relation of this water to the febrile process., Hubert T. Marshall
The madrigal., Frank B. Martin
The platonic lover of Elizabethan poetry., Dorcas Douglass Ray
Machiavelli and Shakespeare., Edith M. Stark
Secret treaties of the allies with a special study of the Treaty of London., Bedford Turner
Theses/Dissertations from 1929
Sketches of Robert Browning's women., Mame Morris Boulware
Early Catholicity in Kentucky and the See of Bardstown., Wickliffe Lockett
Zionism from Haran to Lausanne., Albert N. Mandelbaum
Truancy in the public schools : its cause and cure., Kathleen Miller
Hydrogen ion concentration in lead acetate solutions., Emile Pragoff 1907-1991
Formal retraction or literary repentance in the Elizabethan Age., Irene B. Rhoads
The effect of ultra-violet and infra-red rays upon the fission rate within a single clone of paramecium caudatum and the heritability of that effect., L. Sebastian Rose
The Mississippi question and the problem of statehood in Kentucky., Harold J. Stipe
Theses/Dissertations from 1928
The Kentucky-Tennessee boundary line., Charles Hugh Hardesty 1894-1955
The preparation of hydroxy-acridines and different 5-position acridine derivatives., Francis Bratten Rethwisch
Postal communication in the South-West, 1789-1813., Mary Angela Sweeney
Color., Bruce B. Vance
Theses/Dissertations from 1927
The Renaissance paradox in Spenser., Juretta V. Bamber 1898-1981
Cooperation among American wage earners prior to 1890., B. R. Justice
The influence of a high and low vitamin content in nutrition., Ruth Lovelace
The education of the natural man : a study in the political philosophy of J. J. Rousseau., Esther E. Mason
The preparation of derivatives related to novocain., Helen Peil
Some philosophical implications of behaviorism., Harold Wayland Tribble
Religious experience in the light of current psychology., Elwyn Judson Trueblood 1896-1963
Theses/Dissertations from 1926
Sir Richard Steele, reformer., H. Carter Davidson
The farce element in Moliere., Louise Diecks
Synthesis of nitro acridine derivatives., Martin Friedrich
Preparation of acridyl ethyl amine., Louis Harold Howland 1902-1964
Reconstruction in Kentucky., John W. Manning
The influence of sixteenth century voyages on Elizabethan literature., Elizabeth Nugent
The effects of ice cream in the diet of young life., Mildred A. Schneiderhan
The Hecyra of Terence., Jonah W. D. Skiles
Acridine and its derivatives., Altemiro Ferreira Vianna
Theses/Dissertations from 1925
The condensation of formaldehyde and methyl acridine., Clifford Albin Belch 1887-1973
Shakespeare's Elizabethan public., Joseph Anderson Burns
Word-play in Shakespeare., Mary E. Burton
John Donne the preacher., Dick Houston Hall
Mably on international war and peace., Kenneth Leeds Holmes
The Kentucky mountains during the Civil War., Artus James 1891-1979
Philippine education prior to Magellan., Morris Uberta Lively
The neutrality of Kentucky in 1861., Jennie Angell Mengel 1872-1934
The railroads of Kentucky 1861-1865., Jessie Munday
Theses/Dissertations from 1924
The growth of wheat seedlings in solutions containing monopotassium phosphate, calcium nitrate, and magnesium sulphate, singly and in pairs., Joseph Carmin 1895-
The measurement of the specific inductive capacities of various liquid dielectrics., Obe Bromfield Ellis
The effect of endocrines upon animal behavior., J. Hubert Geyer
Theses/Dissertations from 1922
The effect of heat on the resistance of varnish., Leonard C. Brecher 1900-
A study in professional ethics., Lewis William Dockery
The regular army as a factor in maintaining peace in the United States., A. Robert Ginsburgh (Abraham Robert) 1895-1958
A history of Ohio River trade at Louisville from its beginning until 1840., John Edward Heller
Joseph Neef : Pestalozzian pioneer in America., Ruth Lee Koch
Linseed oil and its oxidation products., Mary Louise Towles
The effect of condensed, dry, and fresh milk in the diet of Albino rats., John T. Walsh
Woman's place in modern drama., Ruth Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 1921
A history of the theatre in Louisville., Mary Martha Dietz
Courtly love in Shakespeare's sonnets and plays., Rebbie Doty
George Meredith's ideas of religion., Mary Ellis Duncan
The relation between man and nature in Wordsworth's poetry., Elizabeth Hoskins
Sympathy and system in giving., Elwood Street
History of the churches of Louisville with special reference to slavery., Homer E. Wickenden
Theses/Dissertations from 1920
Nitrogenous constituents of condensed milk, with special reference to total non-protein nitrogen, urea nitrogen and uric acid., Bess Burton Mathis
Early Kentucky intrigues regarding the Mississippi River., Henri Reubelt Pearcy 1894-1987
Theses/Dissertations from 1919
The chlorination of acetone., Marie Borries
Der junge Goethe., Evelyn J. Schneider
The relation of pyruvic acid to carbohydrate metabolism., Sylvester Louis Schulte
Theses/Dissertations from 1918
Simple quantitative determination of the non-protein portion of milk, based on Greenwald's modification of the determination of the non-protein nitrogen in blood., Sarah Huntoon Vance
Theses/Dissertations from 1917
Some aspects of the philosophy of Joseph Conrad., Minnie Lee Dodd Hill 1886-1959
Theses/Dissertations from 1916
Analysis of the water insoluble proteins of beef, pork and mutton by the Van Slyke method., Edward H. Cox
Analysis of a chylous fluid., Elizabeth C. Franke
Some aspects of Madison Cawein's poetry., Julia C. King
The attitude of the Romantic poets towards nature., Margaret Jane Wanless
Theses/Dissertations from 1915
Some phases of the rural sociological situation., Jonas William Boyer 1890-1947
Theses/Dissertations from 1914
The organic phosphorus compounds of wheat bran., J. Howard Mueller
Some phases of our modern industrial problem., James Asa White 1886-1953
Theses/Dissertations from 1913
The chemical distribution of phosphorus in potato., Hattie L. Heft
The religious element in the popular ballads., Elizabeth Phillips McConathy
Theses/Dissertations from 1912
Motor tests and experiments in light., Bennett Mattingly Brigman 1881-1938
Atmospheric nitrous and nitric acids and their absorption by rain and surface water., Alexander Y. Lee
Le Misanthrope., Henry William Lenz
Analysis of water-insoluble proteins of flesh : an application of Van Slyke's method of analysis of pure proteins., H. H. McGregor
An abbreviated scheme for the detection of acid radicals., Mary Pressley Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 1911
Some peculiarities of Shelley's rhythm., Ethel Allen Murphy
The school garden from an educational view point., Emilie Yunker
Theses/Dissertations from 1909
The early missionary work of the French Jesuits in North America., Edward Thomas Poulson
Stress of romance words in Chaucer's prologue to The Knight's Tale., Helen S. Ward
Bacteria in relation to every day life., Inga Werness