This collection includes theses and dissertations from the University of Louisville. It is not exhaustive since most paper theses and dissertations have not been digitized. Generally, paper copies of theses and dissertations published prior to 2014 can be accessed in the University of Louisville Libraries. If you would like to add your thesis or dissertation to this collection, please fill out the Electronic Theses & Dissertations form.
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
Newer analytical methods employed in examining blood, urine and cerebro-spinal fluid., Martha Louise Neuner
A study of the George W. Morris School and community with emphasis upon the personnel work of the school., Naomi Peak
The issues in the Kentucky Constitutional Convention 1849-1850., Gertrude Pettus 1878-1967
A study of the Family Service Organization, Louisville, Kentucky, in reference to intake, 1884-1940., Marian Elizabeth Prinz
The system benzene-methyl alcohol : ǂb densities, refractive indices, boiling points, and specific heats., Samuel Rosenberg 1918-
The use of sulfonated alcohols in modifying alkyd resins., Harold S. Sell 1919-2002
Studies in clinical allergy., M. Lacefield Waterstone
A history of the Danville Conventions, 1784-1792., Paul Bingham Willingter 1916-2009
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
The effect of particle size on the tinting strength of a pigment., Gaylord Barrick 1917-1948
Elizabeth Madox Roberts : her interpretation of life, Andrew J. Beeler
A brief history of Woman's Missionary Union, Southern Baptist Convention., Pearle Bourne
The relative influence of raw material components upon the thermal expansion of vitreous enamel., Robert C. Boyd
The vapor phase oxidation of a benzene solution of phenanthrene, using soluble catalysts., Carey William Brackin
The utilization of grapefruit waste., Howard E. Bumsted 1917-1989
An X-ray study of engineering materials., James Edward Butler 1916-
The effect of distention on blood flow through the intestine., Jack Chumley
The effect of annealing on Neumann bands., Alex B. Davidson
Noel Coward's contribution to the comedy of manners., Clara-Marie Doughtry
Pigmentation of ethylcellulose varnishes., Alvin Walter Graef 1914-2006
Lipomata of the uterus., DeLou Perrin Hall
A housing project in Louisville : its social interpretation : a study of College Court., Howard B. Hollenbeck 1916-1971
Plasticizing ethylcellulose : II. Effect of ethylcellulose in spirit varnishes., Ira Walter Hutchison 1914-1996
Mexican readers as instruments of the socialistic program, Anita Jauckens
The Polish Corridor., James Otis Kelley
Hydrology study for the Buffalo Bayou, Texas flood control project., Wilbur E. Kelley 1908-1989
A study of Fermat's last theorem., Jerome L. Krumpelman
A study of the true fermentable substances in grain and the development of a rapid method for the determination of pentosans., Marjorie M. Laning 1916-2010
Investigations on whole-part learning from 1930 through 1939., Agnes Catherine Lemaire
Edmund Wilson's development as critic., W. E. Lensing
An analysis and interpretation of Keats' Endymion., Lucie Lowry
Prothrombin clotting time in dogs with obstructive jaundice., Lanier Lukins
A study of oleoresinous film structure., Frank Rush McQuilkin
A study of the Kjeldahl method and a modification for the determination of nitrogen in alcoholic distillates., Margie M. Miller
The Y.W.C.A. in Shelbyville, Kentucky., Esther Morrison 1915-1989
A study of the cohesive and adhesive properties of asphalt., Harold Rose 1918-1997
The epidemiological phase of syphilis control in Louisville., Gradie Raymond Rowntree 1903-1993
How effectual was Shelley? : a study in Shelley criticism., Harriet B. Salin
The effect of ethyl cellulose on the properties of short-oil varnishes., John Bradford Scott 1910-1987
The effect of hypophysectomy on gastric motility in the dog., Edmund A. Smolik
Public career of James Guthrie (1792-1869)., Anna Ruth Spiegel
Kentucky and the Mississippi Question 1793-1795 : the role of the Democratic Societies., Lullabel M. Thuston 1905-1993
The influence of nutrition on sporangial formation in Araiospora streptandra., Richard Curtis Webster
A comparison of various sizes of inverted vials used in Durham fermentation tubes., Blanche Mae Welsh
Theses/Dissertations from 1939
The interpretation of the American Civil War in American fiction., Florence Murray Bailey
A study of student participation in school government and activities in Louisville Junior High School and Louisville Girls High School., Margaret S. Bennett
Cale Young Rice : a study of his life and works., Jenny Rose Bere 1900-1987
A classroom illumination study of the public school system of Jeffersonville, Indiana., Ross Graham
The social administration of camps in the Louisville area., Dorothy Bryan Haddock 1916-2008
An investigation of methods for quantitative spectrographic analysis., Frederick Bertram Johnston
Henry Watterson and the World War propaganda., Patrick S. Kirwan
Oxidation potentials of ferric ammonium citrate., Daniel P. Knopf 1916-1991
Neighborhood House : a settlement's part in social planning., Rebecca Baer Krupp 1904-1989
The influence of temperature on the internal secretory activity of transplanted ovaries in the rat., Arthur K. Lampton 1915-1978
The morphogenesis of the pectoral girdle of Amblystoma microstomum., Raymond W. Lawrence
The treatment of the factory in English novels, 1830-1914., Clara Bell McLellan
Factors affecting the bronzing of Prussian blue pigments., Nathan William Muller
Chemical substitutes., Clarence Elmore Parks 1909-1987
Ethyl cellulose modified exterior house paints., Hugo Louis Schaefer
The sixth grade supplementary history text : educational standards and the extent to which five books meet these requirements., Mabel MacDonald Schrodt
Correlation of cooling data for kerosene., James Franklyn Scott
A unit of work in folklore for secondary schools with a sampling of Hoosier folklore., Margaret Sweeney
The opium problem., Jack Thompson
Basic philosophic themes in the drama of Eugene O'Neill., Nancy Mae Warren
The origin and history of the Louisville and Portland Canal., Leslie S. Wright 1913-1997
The origins of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad., Lolla Wurtele 1913-2006
Theses/Dissertations from 1938
The muscular activity of the small intestine during acute obstruction., Rudolph F. Antoncic
Heat transfer studies of a hydrocarbon oil., W. R. Barnes
The effect of carbon pigments on drying of linseed oil., H. A. Bennett
A cytological study of the ciliated epithelium of Nucula castrensis Hinds., Dorothy Blumer
Joseph Altsheler : his contribution to American fiction for boys., Ona Belle Demaree 1898-1951
A brief survey of Chinese immigrants in American life., Chwen Kiang Djang
The relation between the intelligence and achievement of pupils grouped by parental occupations., Miriam Elizabeth Heymann 1909-1999
A study of the relationship between blood flow and limb volume in the hind limb of the dog., J. P. Holt
A study of the effect of rickets upon the cholesterol and fatty acid content of the brain., Willa Holzheimer 1909-1996
A social and economic history of Louisville, 1860-1865., Edward R. Johnson
The little theatre movement in Louisville., Fred J. Karem
The activity program versus the traditional method of instruction at the second grade level., Ruth Marie Martin
The development of a zinc phosphate dental cement., D. O. Myatt
Comparison of ethyl cellulose and nitrocellulose in lacquers., William Wilson Pedersen 1916-2006
A social survey of Oldham County., Sara Moss Phillips 1913-1988
Three years of emergency relief in Kentucky, 1932-1935., Viola Miller Pryor
The loss in drying power of black paints due to aging., J. E. Rose
Factors involved in improving the blush resistance of lacquers., Franklin D. Snyder
The effect of varying the malt concentration and the pH on the conversion of starch in corn., Gerald L. Veeneman
Recreation in Louisville : an historical sketch., Elizabeth Arterburn Wilson 1902-1998
Theses/Dissertations from 1937
The effect of splenectomy on the differential cell count of the anterior pituitary in relation to post-splenectomy changes in the blood picture of the dog., Herbert J. Brinker
The effect of pH value and pressure cooking on the mashing of corn., Chester E. Brown
Contrast of Plautus and Terence., C. Ruth Ford
Cooling of a hydrocarbon oil., Edward Groth
A comprehensive survey of cultural movements in Louisville during the nineteenth century., Flora Heitz
A biochemical study of colloidal sulfur., Gertrude L. Hendershot
Considerations that might influence the teaching of elementary Spanish., Edgar Fernando Hudkins
The seventh-grade arithmetic textbook and modern educational thought., Adele Hunckler 1904-1997
Franco-American relations 1914-1917 as mirrored by the Excelsior newspaper., Sherley Chapman Jenkins
A study of mahogany., Roy A. Lawrence
A guide to Hamlet criticism., Helen Moran
A comparative study of the treatment of the American Revolution of 1776 in some secondary school history textbooks used currently in England and in the United States of America., Louise Shelley Powell
The effect of drugs on experimental renal hypertension in the dog., J. J. Prusmack